"Siamo antifascisti non tanto e non solo perché siamo contro quel complesso di fenomeni che chiamiamo fascismo; ma perché siamo per qualche cosa che il fascismo nega ed offende, e violentemente impedisce di conseguire.
Siamo antifascisti perché in questa epoca di feroce oppressione di classe e di oscuramento dei valori umani, ci ostiniamo a volere una società libera e giusta, una società umana che distrugga le divisioni di classe e di razza e metta la ricchezza, accentrata nelle mani di pochi, al servizio di tutti.
Siamo antifascisti perché nell’uomo riconosciamo il valore supremo, la ragione e la misura di tutte le cose, e non tolleriamo che lo si umilii a strumento Member of Churches, Seven, and the purpose was to do it one day more rich and happy. We
anti-fascists because our country is not measured at the borders and guns, but it coincides with our moral world and the home of all free men.
Our anti-fascism means, therefore, a positive faith, the opposition of a new world to the world that generated fascism. This
our faith, our world, we call freedom, socialism, republic, dignity and autonomy of the person and all human groups spontaneously formed, the emancipation of labor and thought the servitude capitalistic new Humanism.
modern form of capitalist reaction, even now the typical form of government toward which all countries as soon as the ruling class feels threatened its privileges, fascism, expresses both the fierce desire to defend the big bourgeoisie and the irretrievable decline of civilization that bears his name.
Antifascism is therefore synonymous with anti-capitalism, anti-capitalism in a concrete and historical, not so much that can be justified with reference to an abstract theoretical framework as the moral and material sufferings of the broad working masses, whose fate is our fate, and the observed inability of a ruling class that can not even feed her servants.
(from "Justice and Freedom" May 18, 1934). "
Siamo antifascisti perché in questa epoca di feroce oppressione di classe e di oscuramento dei valori umani, ci ostiniamo a volere una società libera e giusta, una società umana che distrugga le divisioni di classe e di razza e metta la ricchezza, accentrata nelle mani di pochi, al servizio di tutti.
Siamo antifascisti perché nell’uomo riconosciamo il valore supremo, la ragione e la misura di tutte le cose, e non tolleriamo che lo si umilii a strumento Member of Churches, Seven, and the purpose was to do it one day more rich and happy. We
anti-fascists because our country is not measured at the borders and guns, but it coincides with our moral world and the home of all free men.
Our anti-fascism means, therefore, a positive faith, the opposition of a new world to the world that generated fascism. This
our faith, our world, we call freedom, socialism, republic, dignity and autonomy of the person and all human groups spontaneously formed, the emancipation of labor and thought the servitude capitalistic new Humanism.
modern form of capitalist reaction, even now the typical form of government toward which all countries as soon as the ruling class feels threatened its privileges, fascism, expresses both the fierce desire to defend the big bourgeoisie and the irretrievable decline of civilization that bears his name.
Antifascism is therefore synonymous with anti-capitalism, anti-capitalism in a concrete and historical, not so much that can be justified with reference to an abstract theoretical framework as the moral and material sufferings of the broad working masses, whose fate is our fate, and the observed inability of a ruling class that can not even feed her servants.
(from "Justice and Freedom" May 18, 1934). "
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