By Marigo Giandiego
Many have described the Milan of 1978, the Milan that saw the untimely death of Jajo and Fausto. Many have described them in various ways, young people, rockers, hippies ... Bianchessi of the Sun 24 hours, for example, blog radio uncomfortable half the world rock and Land-rock, to describe them as pseudo hippy ... recollection of the play Parco Lambro guitar ... But I know them, Jajo least knew well ... I remember them.
I still have my face before my eyes a little long Jajo. They were sons of those years, boys 77 and had very clear what to dream.
were not at all vague, and youthful, but they thought and imagined how many of those years in a world much different, very different to what they had around.
and Leoncavallo were boys in those years was risky ... there had to be put on your brave and beautiful, design capability and structure.
not you ventured into something like this just for fashion or behavior ... not alone.
Employment of social centers in those years had a definite meaning and was intended the creation of a Culture Other , an alternative to power, was not an idea or a radical-chic, but a choice of field and attempt to think in an alternative culture that power is preparing for us. We often think
Jajo ... I loved him, we were friends, even though I was older. We shared this desire for an alternative.
Many have described the Milan of 1978, the Milan that saw the untimely death of Jajo and Fausto. Many have described them in various ways, young people, rockers, hippies ... Bianchessi of the Sun 24 hours, for example, blog radio uncomfortable half the world rock and Land-rock, to describe them as pseudo hippy ... recollection of the play Parco Lambro guitar ... But I know them, Jajo least knew well ... I remember them.
I still have my face before my eyes a little long Jajo. They were sons of those years, boys 77 and had very clear what to dream.
were not at all vague, and youthful, but they thought and imagined how many of those years in a world much different, very different to what they had around.
and Leoncavallo were boys in those years was risky ... there had to be put on your brave and beautiful, design capability and structure.
not you ventured into something like this just for fashion or behavior ... not alone.
Employment of social centers in those years had a definite meaning and was intended the creation of a Culture Other , an alternative to power, was not an idea or a radical-chic, but a choice of field and attempt to think in an alternative culture that power is preparing for us. We often think
Jajo ... I loved him, we were friends, even though I was older. We shared this desire for an alternative.
Looking back on their two kids to think that those years were convinced it was possible to put it this alternative and that they were convinced that it was possible to think , act and behave really so different from that proposed by " silent majority ". That even then, exactly as now it has become noisy, and held the power "fodder" those same fascists who bankrolls today.
Santa Marta, The Leoncavallo ... youth committees, the City Circles, Radio Channel 96, Radio Popolare . The flourishing of uninterrupted occupation to build community centers
Santa Marta, The Leoncavallo ... youth committees, the City Circles, Radio Channel 96, Radio Popolare . The flourishing of uninterrupted occupation to build community centers
Milan in those years was very different and the Fascists were not "cleared" ... for nothing.
Murder Cold Jajo and Fausto has happened in this vein .
Murder Cold Jajo and Fausto has happened in this vein .
An attempt to scare their children of Leoncavallo and thwart their ideas ... Their cultura alternativa.
Fermarli ad ogni costo, perchè avevano ragione e la gente iniziava a fidarsi di loro a credere loro ed invece dovevano avere paura, terrore, dovevano credere che nella zona Casoretto in prossimità del Leoncavallo si fosse scatenata una guerra di Bande.
Tentarono di infangarli, prima di ammettere le responsabilità della destra, di attribuire lo scontro e l'assasinio ad un regolamento di conti fra spacciatori, ma la risposta ci fu...e fu nelle decine di migliaia di persone che furono ai loro funerali, persone comuni gente del Casoretto, gente di quartiere e da tutta Italia.
Occorsero anni, tonnellate di disinformazione, palate e palte di fango, anni di ostracismo e di difficoltà, anni di ostacoli burocratici e di controllo poliziesco, anni di riflusso e di caduta delle speranze per fermare il sogno del Leoncavallo per “modificarlo” e “normalizzarlo”.
Da quegli anni ci deriva molto e Jajo e Fausto ne fanno parte, ne sono premessa. Non siete riusciti nonostante tutto a farceli dimenticare.
Ancora oggi quando cerco di proporre (parlo di me, ma so che molti condividono e sentono quel che io sento) ed insisto sulla necessità di proporre una cultura altra e diversa da quella del potere, quando dico che è possibile farlo, che è necessario farlo e che è l'unico modo per permettere a un infinito bagaglio di creatività e di forza propulsiva to come to light.
Occorsero anni, tonnellate di disinformazione, palate e palte di fango, anni di ostracismo e di difficoltà, anni di ostacoli burocratici e di controllo poliziesco, anni di riflusso e di caduta delle speranze per fermare il sogno del Leoncavallo per “modificarlo” e “normalizzarlo”.
Da quegli anni ci deriva molto e Jajo e Fausto ne fanno parte, ne sono premessa. Non siete riusciti nonostante tutto a farceli dimenticare.
Ancora oggi quando cerco di proporre (parlo di me, ma so che molti condividono e sentono quel che io sento) ed insisto sulla necessità di proporre una cultura altra e diversa da quella del potere, quando dico che è possibile farlo, che è necessario farlo e che è l'unico modo per permettere a un infinito bagaglio di creatività e di forza propulsiva to come to light.
When insist that this is the way that the Left must take to find herself and her spirit.
When I speak of the need to discover Milan and its streets and make this city a chance I think of them and remember them with affection infinite.
one thing I agree with Bianchessi and with the many who have repeated Jajo and Fausto died with clear guilty, but without justice. How
Roberto Franceschi, Claudio Varalli . Zibecchi Giannino, Valerio Verbano , Peter Bruno, Walter Rossi , Luca Rossi , Giorgiana Masi ... Carlo Giuliani Tutti colpevoli d'avere idee diverse da quelle del potere, tutti colpevoli di ribellione aggravata dalla volontà di cambiare il mondo... tutti senza giustiz ia.
one thing I agree with Bianchessi and with the many who have repeated Jajo and Fausto died with clear guilty, but without justice. How
Roberto Franceschi, Claudio Varalli . Zibecchi Giannino, Valerio Verbano , Peter Bruno, Walter Rossi , Luca Rossi , Giorgiana Masi ... Carlo Giuliani Tutti colpevoli d'avere idee diverse da quelle del potere, tutti colpevoli di ribellione aggravata dalla volontà di cambiare il mondo... tutti senza giustiz ia.
Alcuni li conoscevo, personalmente, altri no, ma tutti sono miei amici, tutti sono miei fratelli, compagni di strada...tutti sono parte di me.
Non riesco, anche volendo, ed io non voglio,
a mi scordar quegli anni
Quelli di piombo, come voi li chiamaste
Ma io ero giovane, avevo la speranza
in un mondo migliore…
Yes ... those days since the
Made of equal freedom and justice ...
respect, spirit, love and knowledge
With his soul in his hand and into the eyes
We were used ...
you say, I do not think
we go wrong?
... Yes ... more than sometimes believed
But, we did something ...
the world was not the only
thought to call someone looking for a cabin
was better? I can not judge
But what now is ... we thought yesterday
you took you there, as in a test tube
There riduceste a fashion attitude ...
Then we traded on newsstands We were in installments
real blood flowed there
... And the pain that was also true
Yes ... as the joy in what we were doing
point ... I'm not ashamed of those years on the road
the streets, exposed
Urlandovi daily
What of that anger inside us all that despite not sleeping
Why can not you just die there and we try again
you tried to doze, to suffocate it ...
every hour for a thousand times With
silence ... tacendoci her
not show in your newspapers
... anger ... But she is still
the streets ...
has a long memory
But not without anger
Watch your child grow up, read his conscience ...
Search the faith and his vision of the world ...
You will find that the enemy ...
one thought that killing
flattens all hope you're getting old when you remember
But memory is history ...
heritage and I am not ashamed ...
I am proud of having been a rebel to be so again ... And even when
need to raise your head Inside of me ... looks breath
has a thirst for justice ... that boy
that you dream of that beautiful world
Dove ogni uomo fosse suo fratello
Non riesco, anche volendo, ed io non voglio,
a mi scordar quegli anni
Quelli di piombo, come voi li chiamaste
Ma io ero giovane, avevo la speranza
in un mondo migliore…
Yes ... those days since the
Made of equal freedom and justice ...
respect, spirit, love and knowledge
With his soul in his hand and into the eyes
We were used ...
you say, I do not think
we go wrong?
... Yes ... more than sometimes believed
But, we did something ...
the world was not the only
thought to call someone looking for a cabin
was better? I can not judge
But what now is ... we thought yesterday
you took you there, as in a test tube
There riduceste a fashion attitude ...
Then we traded on newsstands We were in installments
real blood flowed there
... And the pain that was also true
Yes ... as the joy in what we were doing
point ... I'm not ashamed of those years on the road
the streets, exposed
Urlandovi daily
What of that anger inside us all that despite not sleeping
Why can not you just die there and we try again
you tried to doze, to suffocate it ...
every hour for a thousand times With
silence ... tacendoci her
not show in your newspapers
... anger ... But she is still
the streets ...
has a long memory
But not without anger
Watch your child grow up, read his conscience ...
Search the faith and his vision of the world ...
You will find that the enemy ...
one thought that killing
flattens all hope you're getting old when you remember
But memory is history ...
heritage and I am not ashamed ...
I am proud of having been a rebel to be so again ... And even when
need to raise your head Inside of me ... looks breath
has a thirst for justice ... that boy
that you dream of that beautiful world
Dove ogni uomo fosse suo fratello
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