Ten years later
The world picture has changed dramatically in this decade. In 2001, the neo-liberalism was still dominant. Then came the global economic crisis to further complicate the situation. The response, especially in Europe, is that of a world even more than the right. The only exception is Latin America where governments have started on a progressive path of renewal. The only region where governments respect the dictates of the IMF at the same time avanzano nel superamento degli schemi neo-liberisti
Dieci anni dopo la sua prima edizione, il Forum sociale mondiale torna da domenica in Africa - a Dakar, nel Senegal - in uno scenario internazionale molto diverso dal 2001. In quel momento l'egemonia del modello neo-liberista era ancora grande, l'economia mondiale non era entrata in crisi e, soprattutto, l'America latina era ancora dominata da governi neo-liberisti, con le uniche due eccezioni di Venezuela e Cuba.
Passata una decade, il mondo è cambiato. La crisi economica, nata nel cuore del capitalismo, ha portato le maggiori potenze alla stagnazione, da cui ancora non sono riuscite a uscire, mentre i paesi del sud del world, giving priority to regional integration, free trade agreements (FTA) by the United States, have already passed and picked up again. The neo-liberal model has lost legitimacy, as it continued to be dominant despite claims to the contrary and adjustments.
But all this, because of the weakness of the alternatives on the left, the world has become even more conservative than a decade ago. Even Obama's victory and the painful end of Bush did not alter this trend. The Europe of Merkel, Sarkozy, Cameron, of acute crisis with the IMF for rescue packages in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, has turned even more right.
The big exception is Latin America, the continent is no coincidence that originally saw the light of the WSF. In the past ten years, in conjunction with the performance of various editions of the Forum, the region has seen the election, one after the other presidents involved in the construction of models alternative to neo-liberalism that defeat in the polls. Our continent has ever had so many governments and allied with each other on a line of post-neo-liberalism which gives priority to regional integration processes, rather than the TLC with the U.S., and from social programs instead of a tax adjustment.
the last World Social Forum di Belem, in Brasile nel 2009, la presenza più significativa fu quella di 5 presidenti, tutti latino-americani, che ribadivano il loro impegno per la costruzione di un altro mondo possibile. Tutti 5 marginali della politica tradizionale: Fernando Lugo, un vescovo legato al movimento campesino paraguayano; Evo Morales, un dirigente indigeno boliviano; Rafael Corrre, un intellettuale del pensiero critico ecuadoriano; Hugo Chávez, un leader militare nazionalista venezuelano; Lula, un leader sindacale brasiliano.
I 5 rappresentano un movimento più ampio - che include anche l'Argentina, l'Uruguay, El Salvador - che sta costruendo gli unici processi di integrazione dell'America latina - Mercosud, Unasud, South American Defense Council, South Bank, Union of Latin American peoples - that allowed those countries significant progress in their economic recovery, the reduction of social inequalities, in expanding social rights to the entire population, in 'affirmation of a foreign sovereign. Latin America has become the only world region where governments are identified with the IMF, however, and advance in excess of neo-liberalism.
In this decade, various proposals have gained space in the WSF, including perhaps none as much as the "free software" as an instrument of the universal right to communication. Some governments have adopted legislation to regulate the free movement of financial capital. The recapture of previously privatized natural resources - including water - has been one of the achievements of Latin American governments. The idea that the key does not have a market price and the generalization of rights for all has been practiced by governments of post-neoliberalism in Latin America.
Unfortunately the global economic crisis has not been put to good use by progressive alternatives in other regions, especially in Europe. Other points in the middle of the WSF does not have marked progress due to lack of political forces with popular roots and leadership skills that can turn them into policy.
This è stato possibile, e ci sono stati progressi reali nella costruzione di un altro mondo possibile, là dove le forze sociali - di massa - e ideologiche - di proposte -sono riuscite a trasformarsi in forza politica reale capace di disputare il potere dello stato e, a partire di lì, mettere in sella governi di superamento del neo-liberismo. In diversi gradi, questo si sta verificando in Bolivia, in Argentina, in Venezuela, in Uruguay, in Ecuador. Dove si moltiplicano misure che vanno oltre il neo-liberismo, come il recupero della capacità dello stato di indurre la crescita economica, di garantire ed estendere i diritti sociali, di difendere la sovranità nazionale, di regolare la circolazione del capitale finanziario.
why the other possible world, which necessarily must pass from the social to the political sphere, is in the governments of Latin America may neloliberisti its most advanced. While forces are self-recluse in the mere social resistance weakened, they lost relevance to disappear, unable to put into practice concrete forms of tolerance of neo-liberalism.
The World Social Forum in Senegal opens Sunday at the broad policy framework. In one of Belem prevailed two years ago a certain naive euphoria and spontaneity that saw the neo-liberalism - and even capitalism - near the end. These two years have reinforced the idea that without the construction of political forces capable of directing the concrete processes that take place through the state - both existing and those were re-established -, there can be no progress or otherwise there could be repercussions back.
The other possible world being built, specifically in Latin America, through different modes of post-neoliberal governments who are richer than the reference point - in their largely absent in their potential and also in their own impasse - to advance the ideals that the WSF has embodied over the past ten years. But with a warning: if the Forum will not be able to overcome the limits that are self-imposed, is likely to run dry, disconnected from the real processes existing building in the world which is possible.
* Brazilian sociologist
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