di Michele
Il ministro degli Esteri ad personam, per niente attento alle drammatiche questioni di crisi internazionale, filled only after the house of Monte Carlo to denigrate the third position in the State, continues in the attitude of submission to his master Berlusconi through the following statements:
invasion of privacy is something that "may be brought not only in Italy but also before the European Court of Human Rights case law there is a very rich subject. " "This is a problem - he went on - on which the PDL has put a full stop, a political issue: we do not think that it is possible to envisage a change of the democratically elected government through the courts."
First, a change of government will have to decide elections and not the courts, Berlusconi alle elezioni anticipate non vuole andarci perché stando ai recenti sondaggi perderebbe le elezioni sia alla Camera che al Senato, quindi è deciso a calpestare qualsiasi regola dello Stato di diritto, rimanendo attaccato alla sua poltrona, pur di ostacolare il corso legittimo della giustizia con una serie di leggi ad personam e proposte che causerebbero conseguenze catastrofiche sul sistema giustizia.
Il problema della privacy non sussiste quando le azioni compiute in privato diventano di rilevanza pubblica come l’aver telefonato al Questore di Milano in qualità, e non nelle funzioni, di Presidente del Consiglio e poi per un personaggio pubblico, che tiene in mano le sorti dell’economia, dello sviluppo e del futuro del Country, private behavior can not be completely separated from those that you must take in public, indeed even from what you do in private can draw a conclusion on the reliability of the person who has taken the responsibility to play an important role. It can not be shared the view that in private you can do what you want, because at home we must still respect the laws.
Moreover, the issue of privacy comes after a public right and duty to chronicle, the mentality Berlusconi in Italy would have meant the opposite to prevent the publication of investigative measures, to ensure that they can be intercepted, essential tool to detect crime and to fight organized crime.
Returning to Minister Frattini on a personal basis, it is doubtful whether in bad faith deliberately ignores what his cronies Berlusconi made in breach of the law even in the case of the publication of the call between Fassino and Consorte covered by confidentiality of investigations. Instead, there was no violation of the law when they were published survey of investigations concerning acts of Berlusconi, which is why Berlusconi has returned to the subversive proposal to gag the press and prohibit the interception.
pulpit from which you are requesting privacy in relation to the shadowing Mesiano court, the publication of an article in Il Giornale Boccassini against illegal for a tip-off had to be a member of the MSM? And again in relation to the application of the method known as a tissue Boffo later proved false?
From the above mentioned it follows that if anyone violates the laws on disclosure is precisely those who claim that one can not legitimately investigate Berlusconi.
The right and duty to chronicle, as told by Labor in the Word of Mouth February 7 shows a more important reason why, if they could be contemplated in an invasion of privacy Berlusconi, the casting right and duty to inform the privacy
" The offense who could do the public, not who sells or who took them, who could do so if the public, violates the privacy, without any news of public interest, certainly an image of the Prime Minister with naked girls in their Once again nude or sexual activity or even during the preliminary concerns the privacy of the Prime Minister, what is the problem?
What is the first privacy law - the record, so you have to see if it prevails in this case the privacy of Berlusconi or law prevails - the record, I would say that when it was reported that Berlusconi was under investigation for aiding and child prostitution, if they were out of the picture which he could be seen with girls of age should not have been published or why? Because Berlusconi had never refused to receive at home or having sex with girls of age, denied any of them paid, what's the problem? E 'investigation when it became known that he went on television and has sent four messages to virtually unified networks, as are his, in which he said that there is nothing sexual Arcore and there are simply chaste feasts very elegant where you drink Diet Coke, some Crodino, you see Baar, balls and you know that you can see even the speeches of Vendola, a laughter that sucks!
He painted the parties as a middle Arcore among the debutantes' ball and the Caritas soup kitchen where he helps these poor immigrant girls who can not get to the end of the month, then it is he who has cleared through customs this topic, it is he who has sworn Italians one thing, if there were any photos that show what he has sworn Italians is false, well, then it would be right - a duty to publish news, Why? Why is evidence that the Italians are governed by a liar who tells lies, say, we already know, of course, but one could always hope it will stop telling lies, then tells each bale, then if there is evidence to the contrary becomes law - the record, right of citizens to know and the duty of journalists to publish it. "
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