Friday, February 25, 2011

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The mystery of backwardness political, civic and moral of the Italians - the legacy of fascism and revolution missed

Mario Armellini (1).

What I feel an urgent need to understand, because it is democracy itself, as the story shows Berlusconi, is how to remedies to the degeneration of the party system, more and more self-referential and unable to do the public good, increasingly unable to meet the serious needs of the country. Beyond the easy emotional outbursts, it seems not appropriate in an effort to focus the debate, reflection and political action this subject, which can not be reduced to the problem Berlusconi, Berlusconi even though she was the most serious since the degeneration of fascism today.
should therefore make an effort understanding of the process that led to the " Italy vulgarity of our years [...], the vulgarity of a populism without any rules " (L. Ornaghi, VE Parsi, The virtue of the best. Elites, democracy , Italy, Il Mulino, 1994, 75). Where is "initiated genetic mutation", as defined Scalfari in 1994, which led up to the current democratic emergency due to Berlusconi?
This "evil" is certainly old Italian, if already in 1824, Giacomo Leopardi, in his famous Discourse on the present state of morals of the Italians , emphasized the "lack of companies "" of good morals "and attitude to the" mutual contempt of the Italians, " and their" cynicism ". "The upper classes of Italy - wrote Leopardi - are the most cynical of all their peers in other nations. The Italian mob is the most cynical of all the populace. Those who believe beyond all cynicism to the French nation, are mistaken. None can equal wins in what the Italian. It combines the natural vivacity (much greater than that of 'French) acquired indifference to everything and with little regard to others caused by the lack of companies that do not treat yourself is great because of the esteem and de 'concerns of others [...] in our own business ... the cynicism is such that far exceeds that of all other peoples ... " ( ) .

How to explain the "lack of society" and " cynicism" of the Italians who denounced Leopardi? Perhaps we should go further back in time to find the causes? According to Galli della Loggia, yes, because " giocherebbe a partire dalla fine del ‘500 il rinsaldarsi della prospettiva oligarchico-nobiliare in tutto il paese e l’affermarsi di una egemonia straniera ”. E’ per questo che si “ si fissa nell’anima della società italiana una concezione “venale” della politica, intesa come strumento per allargare reddito e prestigio sociale… fa terribile difetto nell’esperienza italiana la politica pensata ed agita come definizione (e realizzazione dell’interesse collettivo ” (E. Galli della Loggia, L’identità italiana, Il Mulino 1998, 93-4).
Altre spiegazioni rimandano alla “ nazionalizzazione incompiuta ”, al localismo e al familismo amorale tipici dell’Italia; alla “ carenza civica ” delle regioni meridionali, che Putnam fece risalire addirittura al medioevo, e cioè alla presenza dello Stato normanno contrapposto all’Italia dei comuni... Queste generalizzazioni di lungo periodo possono lasciare perplessi, perché sembrano risalire troppo indietro e non prendono in considerazione altri fattori che pure hanno avuto un peso notevole nel plasmare lo “spirito” del nostro paese. Ad esempio, come dimenticare il ruolo svolto dalla Chiesa cattolica romana? Oppure gli effetti di lungo periodo del Risorgimento e dell’Unità d’Italia, con la sua “rivoluzione democratic failure? Another missed opportunity, which did not Italy but the Italians and from which arose a great first "lie" and rivers of rhetoric. Cavour in 1846 was very clear: "In Italy - he claimed - democratic revolution has no chance of success ... The party in favor of the new policies have not encountered great support .. on the upper and middle classes, so strongly interested in maintaining social order, the doctrines subversive of the Young Italy did not participate. So with the exception of young, inexperienced and naive we can say that there is in Italy but a small number of people seriously willing to put in practice the principles of enhanced disaster exacerbated by a sect ... "(cited in C. Fracassi, the revolution of a thousand, Murcia 2010, 43). Hence, one could examine the role that the minority in the south have been taken since the unification of Italy has played in allowing "split" the soul of the country.

Of all these, too numerous and complex to be examined here, we focus for now is that attributes responsibility for the degradation of fascism "partitocratico" of the Republic. Several analysts agree in considering party politics (and politics as a profession) as a specific legacy of fascism (eg., L. Cafagna, The large landslide, Italy to the crisis of democracy, Marsilio, 1993).

It was with the fascism that, for the first time, " the great mass of Italians get the party they saw in their daily lives ... become accustomed to regard the party as a mediator usual - and in a sense, indeed obliged - to their relationship with the State ... The Democratic party politics, in short, has its birth in fascism. And the penetration of the party with the State proved decisive factor in paving the way for the patronage and political corruption "(E. Galli della Loggia, The historical roots of a crisis, 231). The overlap between party, state structures, public and semi-public, state-owned industries has left deep scars. It is structured in a "parallel bureaucracy" whose " career, access to promotion and is marked by political merit" and then introduces the discretion in the heart of public (Mariuccia Salvati, The scheme and the employees, 1992.14). Hence, " the gradual fading of the rules, bend to their daily weight and foreign interests, and this in the body of state that the rules should be inspired by and based "(G. Crainz, Autobiography of a republic, Donzelli, 2009, 27). And in this way becomes an" State Hard to find "with a" administration porous "(Sabino Cassese).

As argued Giustino Fortunato in 1930, fascism was not likely that a" revelation "of previous ills and contradictions: " Fascism is a revelation of what really is, what it really is Italy . "At the same time, however, fascism must be considered as a laboratory of institutions and cultures that do not disappear with it." As are the traumatic collapse of authoritarian regimes - and that it was some of fascism - does not leave the void, the tabula rasa. They can not dissolve like snow in the sun those habits of mind, those addictions obedience and oppression, that considered above the rules or they are not repaired by the first port of dictatorships "(G. Crainz cited 29)..

In short, the reality is that between Italy Fascist and post-fascist, there was a continuity, not a rupture, and that precisely this continuity is due (to be determined to what extent) the "evil" deep in the country in its present condition. But if this is true, then it must be acknowledged that the resistance has not represented the "revolution" of social conscience that we have believed. Perhaps, without being accused of "revisionism" (an accusation always in vogue on the left, often inappropriately used to defend belief systems mythological consolidated), the Resistance was morally and symbolically important, courageous testimony of an Italy and animated by ideals high, but that was not the "revolution democratic desired, and necessary. Did not bring about a radical maturation of the civic consciousness of the country, failed to cure the "evil" that afflicted him deeply, and that still afflicts him. The
have told ourselves a different story for decades is the second big lie: that of a "fascist revolution", which would regenerate, morally and politically, after the Fascist Italy.

After the war, in continuity with the previous phase, you consolidate a political culture media and the middle class torn and contradictory expression of three different "masters": the Law , the ' Interest the Party , where " a result of all is definitely losing ...: the Law. Still trampled by the other two (the interest and the Party) managed to survive poorly, doing as the national Harlequin, servant of two masters (Mariuccia Salvati, cited ., 228). Shine like stars solitary integerrima the few examples of dedication to the State, as the shareholder Ernesto Rossi, first as Secretary to Government in Reconstruction Parri , then president of ARA ( Company Survey Alienation remnants ) until 1958, when he was forced to resign by the pressure of an apparatus that he lived as a servant of a foreign state who had the honesty and rigor of their flag.

After the long Democratic domination, the degeneration of the party system became apparent during the eighties, when he began to observe the symptoms of a " leaving the legality of the whole ruling class, its formation as a reality of extra-legal, not so much against the law but outside the law ... Italy is already many steps closer to a power of pre-bourgeois type, to a power dissolved by the law ... "(E. Galli della Loggia, Where's the scandal, in" Mondoperaio ", March 1980). During the same period, Italo Calvino wrote a corrosive Apologue honesty of the country of corrupt which began: "There was a country that was ruled about the abuse" (in La Repubblica, March 15, 1980). And Massimo Riva: " never had seen such corruption as rooted in and so widely in the state structures "M. Riva, The State as prey, "La Repubblica, November 18 1980). This
Italy without citizenship, linked hand in glove with voracious party system is the one that emerged in all its smallness, a survey sponsored by the late eighties by the Presidency Council, where he was asked to Italian sample of what matters most to succeed in life, asked to choose between three options. 48% of the most important thing was " know the people who matter" to the 42.5% " get lucky" and only 35.4% " culturally be prepared "(see S. Lanaro, new Italy. Identity and development from 1861 to 1988, 1988, 5-6, 22-23). It would be interesting to repeat this survey today, perhaps by adding a fourth option: " enter the game of Big Brother .
Which brings us to the year 1990, when it became clear that an entire ruling class had set out law, power partitocratico impatient to every rule. Tangentopoli, along with the simultaneous attack stragista mafia, led a "colossal landslide (Pansa), but it soon became clear that was just another myth. In 1993, Galli della Loggia wrote that he was born a "lie" that he spoke " r ivoluzione - but no more anti-fascist anti-bureaucratic - that would be in place and that players would see Italians as it regenerated, made new moral ... Frankly, it seems difficult to see behind the rhetoric ... a minimum of reality. All true moral regeneration, to be such, must begin with ourselves How can we believe any new substance behind the so-called moral ground when the Italian revolution is not a jot that have changed behavior "moral" and "immoral" by mass of Italians "(E. Galli della Loggia, transformation and revolution," Corriere della Sera, April 22, 1993).
Always "lie" was about Sergio Romano, " After refusing to consider fascism a national sin - after being acquitted and for not having committed the act " Italians are charging Tangentopoli to Craxi and a few hundred politicians, businessmen, officials. They know it is a lie - but probably will give up the temptation to believe in this way to absolve themselves from this sin "(S. Romano," Limes ", 1994, 4).
The public outrage that exploded (again, there was a "Young Italy" embittered by misfortune "who took to the streets to throw pennies against the corruption of power), and offers hope that the people would gather the palm of the change from the" clean hands "of the Judiciary, ended however, by producing nothing but the subsequent induction of Berlusconi Dux new, never off the Savior of the Fatherland "communist threat". The Italians were always the same. Their nature ended up lying to hand over all power to the prince of liars. And how could it be otherwise?
As fascism, Berlusconi may thus be regarded as a further "revelation" of the real sense of civic duty and moral Italy. Allowing himself to the King of all liars, that for years has fed the fantasies and voyeuristic subculture made up of the TV game show, showgirls, misinformation and Big Brother, the majority of Italians is again autoassolta, indifferent to the fate of democracy, a slave to an ancient and deeply rooted "dictatorship of ignorance , "as he called Guido Viale, and eternal victim of its own ancient evil. And 'yet this is the "gray zone" of the people brought to light by Italian Renzo De Felice? The one that allowed the emergence of fascism and survive and that, without a gasp of dignity and pride, he preferred to abstain from fighting at the crucial moment, allowing the army to do so was the resistance? (2)
In summary, and without going too far in time, it might give the sorry state of civic consciousness of the Italians - and degeneration partitocratica with all that implies in terms of degradation of public life, waste and corruption (3 ) - the three "revolutions" failed: the Democrats Risorgimento, the anti-fascist and anti-bureaucratic that . On all three a mythology has flourished. All three have mobilized a minority. In all three, the majority of the abyss has swallowed up and off ideals, resources and energy, isolating the active minorities, shattering the movements, sleeping consciences. And allowing per "silenzio-assenso", all’inarrestabile degenerazione della vita politica e democratica.
Si potrebbe disquisire all’infinito su quali siano le cause di questo “male italiano”, che è lecito pensare abbia radici antiche, ma sembra indubbio che presenti almeno tre sintomi principali: un sistema dei partiti vorace, autoreferenziale e predatorio (la "partitocrazia") (4); la mancanza di senso civico degli italiani, che il sistema dei partiti alimenta e di cui è espressione (e dunque la “complicità” degli italiani col sistema predatorio della politica, che sostengono e da cui raccattano le briciole); la tendenza a raccontarsi “bugie”, a darsi cioè delle narrazioni mitiche (ideologiche) e lontane dalla realtà (guaio in cui è incorsa e incorre ancora la sinistra nel suo insieme).
Non si sa se ci sia una cura, se questo paziente che è il nostro Paese possa guarire o sia destinato ad una lunga e dolorosa agonia. La dialettica democratica non versa in buone condizioni. L’opposizione è in affanno, sembra anch’essa “malata”: mancanza di strategia di lungo respiro, particolarismi, divisioni, assenza di trasparenza, di democrazia interna, di tensione morale, con ampie sacche di corruzione, mancato ricambio dei dirigenti, ecc. I Movimenti stessi appaiono incerti, divisi, poco determinati, incapaci di darsi una strategia unitaria and effective, even with their personalities, self-interest (ie, in the end, too sick of the same disease that would like to fight). In addition, with the typical psychiatric syndrome of the Italian left, which is the tendency towards division, fragmentation, the litigation, inability to find points of mediation, agreement, unity (all the bickering and backbiting Italian was talking about Leopardi).
No political force that is an expression of "young Italy, that Italy that is more or less since the nineteenth minority that believes in a policy of" high ", can be exempted from today as a priority the fight against "caste" partitocratica (and criminal economy that feeds it) and the radical reform of the party system. Knowing that will have to deal with both the active resistance of the devices, both with the passive resistance of the "gray zone" established by the majority of Italians who have found the representation of Berlusconi in his ideals, his own worldview, their hopes, of their culture.

1) This paper is based on the following text, which incorporates several quotations and ideas: Guido Crainz, Autobiography of a Republic. The roots of Italy today, Donzelli, 2009.
2) In the "gray zone" and the debate that has raised: . Come'è known thesis on the "gray zone" of De Felice argued that in Italy there was a civil war between minority and not a "people's war" and that the vast majority of Italians did not join or not to Salò Resistance expected because the war ended and nothing else. Many Marxist historians have disputed this claim, including Tranfaglia, forcefully claiming the popular character of guerrilla warfare. Among others, we feel really Lanaro optimistic thesis that, after alleging that trial " negative and moralistic " De Felice, their assigns the "gray zone" the ability to convey values \u200b\u200bsuch as respect for individuals.
3) Transparency International Italy is in 67th place (La Repubblica, October 26, 2010): " According to the NGO Transparency International ranking, prepared and presented this morning by analyzing 178 countries, Italy slide into 67 th place in the index on corruption. Our country is set back four positions compared to 2009 and as many as 12 on the 2008 .... Better than we do and Rwanda Samoa. " See:
4) Col termine "partitocrazia" si indica " un regime politico in cui il potere effettivo ha i suoi centri nei partiti e non negli organi previsti dalla Costituzione. Il termine fu coniato dal giurista Giuseppe Maranini, che intitolò Governo parlamentare e partitocrazia la sua prolusione nella lezione 


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