Now it's official: Bossi and Berlusconi are afraid of elections. For months after you brandished the threat of early voting and the use of people as a means to reaffirm and consolidate their power in front of the frond Finian and the anger and indignation determined by the attendance of compulsive and underage prostitutes by Berlusconi, the right no longer want the elections.
They know that in the event of an appeal that goes well at the polls (good for them and bad for Italy) could perhaps regain, according to the law filthy Calderoli, the majority in the Chamber of Deputies but almost certainly not in the Senate and is therefore would see to relinquish at least part of his absolute power now and Berlusconi could no longer be Prime Minister.
even the setback of the municipalities on fiscal federalism with the tie vote in the bicameral committee formed ad hoc (equivalent according to the law 42/2009 to vote against) and the consequent rifiuto di Napolitano di promulgarne il decreto attuativo, emanato dal Consiglio dei Ministri con una intollerabile violazione delle previsioni normative, ha indotto la Lega a dichiarare conclusa l'esperienza di questa vergognosa legislatura.
Senza nessun pudore a sconfessare le dichiarazioni del giorno prima: o federalismo o voto. D'altronde è troppo ghiotto il pasto (la Repubblica italiana) che gli esponenti del partito che grida 'Roma ladrona' si sono apparecchiati per potervi rinunciare. Un pasto nel quale i leghisti possono tanto più fare la parte del leone quanto più è debole Berlusconi ormai completamente nelle loro mani.
Anche perché pronunciarsi per il voto anticipato determinerebbe oggi il fuggi fuggi dal PDL of those MPs who do not feel confident of reelection.
Surely someone should explain why the opposition, the Democratic Party in particular, continue to credit the federal tax as something good and right for our country, only quibble with subordinate attitude on the technical implementation. The mere fact that the party that seeks the end of the Unification of Italy as well as racist and xenophobic political practice has made its flag should justify the contrast intransigent and uncompromising.
And someone should apologize for trying to credit this Parliament condemned, investigated, whores (men and women ready to sell to the highest bidder and subject to respect for the poor girls forced into slavery on the road) as an institution capable of dealing with the emergency economic and institutional.
League and Berlusconi's policy now is to take time. Take time to complete the project to destroy the substantial unity of the Republic and the equality of all citizens through fiscal federalism, take time for disinformation, using the right domain of the television media and profuse profusely by hired servants, prevail over judicial revelations regarding what defines the Cavalier Dagospia Pump, take time to buy (with money, armchairs, contracts televisivi, articoletti e postille infilati in leggine e decreti) i deputati necessari a puntellare la maggioranza (ieri Scilipoti e Calearo oggi Barbareschi, ieri i sudtirolesi domani i radicali di Pannella o chissà quanti altri), prendere tempo per tacitare l'ipocrita imbarazzo delle gerarchie ecclesiastiche (mentre nel frattempo i fedelissimi clericali di Comunione e Liberazione si dannano l'anima in ogni trasmissione tv per affermare l'insussistenza degli scandali) con l'ulteriore svendita del principio costituzionale della laicità dello Stato e dell'equità fiscale, prendere tempo per ostacolare con l'ostruzionismo dell'esercito di avvocati al soldo del proprietario di Mediaset il corso naturale della giustizia, prendere tempo per sperare in an economic recovery by pretending to want to put at the center of political debate (copyright by Giuliano Ferrara, who must be recognized, however, a bit 'more intelligent than Santanché and Wolves round) the' real problems'.
It is possible that a coalition peppered piduisti, fascists and investigated for ties with organized crime (Cosentino, Dell'Utri) is not providing covert plot to influence the outcome of the forthcoming electoral contest? As fear not, any more than has already occurred in the past, an irregular elections, vote rigging, vote trading, bogus attacks aimed at influencing public opinion? How not to fear even facing a probable electoral defeat the unscrupulous, no morality, no sense of common good can not even think of 'sacrificing' the same now unpresentable Berlusconi through an attack made responsible to the 'communist'?
What to do? Besides hoping for Ilda Bocassini have been proposed radical initiatives such as the resignation of all the parliamentary opposition or a popular event that involves millions of people to encourage Napolitano to dissolve the Chambers and call new elections. Perhaps we need to especially be aware that, given the deterioration we have reached and the dangers imposed on Italy, there is no way that a permanent mobilization of democratic citizens, addressed also to their political representatives because for once they are up to the task, and that this is the time to step up to the opposition for not giving the right time to regroup.
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