Piercamillo Davigo is one of the best known and respected Italian magistrates. The protagonist of the season of 'Clean Hands', the unfinished revolution in Italian law-abiding, and widely considered the 'legal mind' of the pool of Milan anti-corruption to which belonged, among others, Gerardo D'Ambrosio, Antonio Di Pietro, Gherardo Colombo, Ilda Boccassini, and currently holds the role of judge to the Supreme Court of Cassation.
He wrote several books, cut a scientific. Among the texts of disclosure, are mentioned in particular "the costume of the King - Interview on Corruption", written in collaboration with Davide Pinardi, and "Corruption in Italy - Perception of social and penal control," co-written with Grace Mannozzi.
thank Dr. Davigo for a friendly and helpful dimostrataci. If there is an element that emerges from the answers that were given to our questions is the disarming simplicity of the reforms, at no cost, that can and should be implemented in order to solve the problems of Italian justice and the terrible deficit of legality afflicts our country. And, therefore, that these evils (lawlessness, corruption, organized crime, inefficient and ineffective justice) that affect in a decisive way the lives of citizens and the quality of our democracy, this is our conclusion, are not the result of a cynical and destiny cheater but the effect of deliberate policy choices and unfortunate.
Truth and Democracy. The cost of corruption to the community was estimated at 60 billion € per year, the taxable amount deducted in the taxation of € 160 billion, the turnover of the Mafia in more than 150 billion euro. It is in his view di cifre realistiche e non crede che la dimensione di tali fenomeni riesca da sola a spiegare l'origine del degrado politico, sociale, economico italiano?
Piercamillo Davigo. Le cifre sono calcolate in modo non controllabile, ma certamente gli ordini di grandezza di questi fenomeni illeciti sono enormi. È il segnale che un’ampia parte del Paese vive nell’illegalità e dell’illegalità.
Verità e Democrazia. Con quali strumenti si possono combattere non solo da un punto di vista giudiziario ma anche culturale questi fenomeni? L'Italia ha ancora speranze oppure è un paese completamente perduto?
Piercamillo Davigo. From the cultural point of view it is necessary to bring out the idea that you are a member of a community and that the welfare of each depends on that of the community. Some time ago I was impressed by a survey according to which a large number of people believed in the future things would be worse for Italy, but better for them. It is illogical idea: except for those few who can make a new life abroad, all are tied to the fate of the country in which they live.
From legal point of view the phenomena are dealt with relatively easily. Against organized crime have been achieved important successes. Against corruption would be enough to rewrite the rules conform to the international conventions, change the prescription and provision of police undercover operations to identify the corrupt. As for tax evasion would be enough to provide for the confiscation of assets whose ownership is not compatible with the declared income, to bring out the income. None evade taxes if he were then to live as a poor disguise for their ability to pay.
Truth and Democracy. How globalization has affected the world economy, free movement of persons and cash flows for the expansion of these phenomena? There is an emergency corruption and organized crime in the international arena? There is a significant presence in Italy of foreign mafias?
Piercamillo Davigo. The increased permeability of borders to the transit of persons, firms and capital, was not accompanied by a streamlining of procedures for adequate international legal assistance. This makes it difficult to contrast the international level.
The presence of foreign criminal organizations, except those operating solely for the ethnic group, like China, is linked to the business they have in common with the national ones. In any case do not have control of the territory, similar to Italian.
Verità e Democrazia. L'arresto di numerosi latitanti, sbandierato dall'attuale governo come la dimostrazione del proprio impegno nella lotta alla criminalità, ha realmente indebolito le organizzazioni criminali? E qual è nel contempo l'effettiva possibilità per la giustizia, in termini di dotazioni di mezzi e di agilità delle procedure, di emettere in tempi ragionevoli le proprie sentenze? Qual è la conseguenza di affollare le aule giudiziarie prevedendo reati quali l'immigrazione clandestina o norme proibizionistiche in materia di possesso di droghe anche per uso personale? Quali effetti hanno prodotto i tagli dell'attuale governo alle forze dell'ordine e la riduzione delle spese nell'amministrazione della giustizia (7.900 cancellieri e 1.800 ufficiali giudiziari in meno)?
Piercamillo Davigo. L’arresto dei latitanti è attività della polizia giudiziaria, che dipende funzionalmente dall’autorità giudiziaria e non dall’esecutivo.
Non credo che la crisi del sistema giudiziario dipenda da risorse insufficienti. Gli ordini di grandezza sono adeguati. Il problema è lo sperpero di denaro, ad esempio mantenendo sedi inutili.
Il problema è l’eccesso di contenzioso. È necessario ridurre il numero di processi, molto più alto di quello di altri Paesi.
Ogni anno in Italia iniziano più civil trials than it began in Spain, Britain and France combined.
Criminal trials are ten times higher than in Britain.
are celebrated all unnecessary processes, such as those to unavailable (which then lead to convictions of Italy by dela Strasbourg Court) or for acts of minor importance.
are reforms that do not cost but no one does.
The judicial administration staff could be better used if fewer seats are purchased.
The bailiffs are involved in a countless number of notifications, unknown abroad, however - for the way in which the law providing for run - not even aware of the guarantee by the recipient. It would be enough to provide the first notification to their hands and later the defender to save men time and have the confidence of knowledge of the process.
As for police forces have the highest percentage in the population of Europe, the problem is that they are wrong in the tasks used largely unnecessary as the guards at fixed posts.
Truth and Democracy. The current situation of the prison rehabilitation complies with the principle stipulated in the Constitution? Italy can be called a civilized country in the face of the living conditions of prisoners, the tragic numbers of suicides in prison, the detention of illegal immigrants for months in refugee camps, in many cases (Stefano Cucchi Federico Aldrovandi to name just two) of people died tragically after his arrest and when they were in the custody of the forces order?
Piercamillo Davigo. Unfortunately not.
The number of places in prisons is woefully inadequate compared to the number of criminal offenses provided.
Many foreign detainees could be repatriated.
Truth and Democracy. Can you explain what the white-collar crime? And what is the actual penetration of the Mafia in the North?
Piercamillo Davigo. In Italy has been fed the belief that predatory street crime is the only one to worry about.
At the trial for insider trading Parmalat forty thousand shares were civilians, that is, victims seeking compensation. How long
40,000 muggings a mugger to do?
also a lady who is not in her purse snatched the savings of a lifetime, as had happened to many white-collar crime victims.
Recent investigations in Milan on the 'Ndrangheta then seem to reveal a bleak picture of the roots of this organization in Lombardy.
Truth and Democracy. A very useful survey to discover crimes and identify the culprits are environmental and telephone intercepts, a limitation to its use for crimes that often take place within a criminal network, such as extortion, theft, robbery, murder etc.., which would be the consequences in the fight against organized crime?
Piercamillo Davigo. would be devastating, but I do not think that will happen.
Truth and Democracy. The selection criteria currently adopted to enter into the judiciary garantiscono ancora l'indipendenza ed il possesso delle necessarie qualità professionali dei suoi nuovi membri?
Esiste il rischio che a seguito del progressivo decadimento qualitativo dell'Università italiana le nuove leve della magistratura non siano all'altezza delle precedenti?
Piercamillo Davigo. All’ultimo concorso a 500 posti, nonostante migliaia di candidati, gli idonei sono stati solo 253, è un dato su cui riflettere.
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