By Marigo Giandiego
I realize that it is not the case of overlap with the thinkers allowed, to those being professionals of thought and the consequent ability to read the real seems to have the right, inviolable and exclusive to this role. The more I should be silent
ignorant and uneducated.
I have not even attended the University unless as part of the great movement of my youth.
are, however, a lover of alternative culture, almost of principle and the justification for the move, so I suppose that just the possibility that I will be read and even heard the meaning is more profound than anything that I will go forth.
The question that I want to ask yourself and submit it "Why the Left?" that there is need to put this instance or just supporne and supports its existence?
Why, then, in a time when so little seems to be fashionable, so much so that even a comedian like Grillo (let the irony it has always recognized the intelligence and instinct) takes care to sanction clinical death and overcoming, finding meaning and the re?
premise that the meaning of this requirement should not reside in historical references, also present and necessary.
I realize that it is not the case of overlap with the thinkers allowed, to those being professionals of thought and the consequent ability to read the real seems to have the right, inviolable and exclusive to this role. The more I should be silent
ignorant and uneducated.
I have not even attended the University unless as part of the great movement of my youth.
are, however, a lover of alternative culture, almost of principle and the justification for the move, so I suppose that just the possibility that I will be read and even heard the meaning is more profound than anything that I will go forth.
The question that I want to ask yourself and submit it "Why the Left?" that there is need to put this instance or just supporne and supports its existence?
Why, then, in a time when so little seems to be fashionable, so much so that even a comedian like Grillo (let the irony it has always recognized the intelligence and instinct) takes care to sanction clinical death and overcoming, finding meaning and the re?
premise that the meaning of this requirement should not reside in historical references, also present and necessary.
should not find support only in the nostalgia of streets, squares and small revolutions interrupted or postponed ... even if this maintains a sense, especially for those who like me have taken part in this process, having had the good fortune to live it.
is undeniable, however, that the upheavals and tensions that have characterized this phase show that the requirement of viewpoint "class" is seriously needed, not foss'altro che per equilibrare e ridistribuire.
La vera necessità storica di una compagine forte, sensibile, plurale ed aperta che si definisca, orgogliosamente di sinistra, ma che sappia anche cogliere, le evoluzioni storiche, politiche, spirituali di ciò che questo termine cerca di significare, bene questa esigenza sta nel vuoto di ascolto e di proposta, sta nell’incapacità di rappresentazione, che altrimenti avrebbe un'intera parte del mondo...e della società, sta nelle premesse che sottintendono un punto di vista.
Sta anche nella necessità assoluta che L'Area di Progresso e Civiltà compia un passo avanti e non può farlo senza l'ausilio di una forza di questo tipo.
Va però said that those who imagine that they enclose or revolutionary upheavals in crystalline or variously ivory towers, are disappearing because destianati to detach from reality and the world to avoid contamination, we remain convinced themselves to be untouchable and sacred bearers of inalienable truth that will sooner or later confirmed by the historical evolution.
Although, it is they ultimately convinced that the only good fabric that composes them well, ridicaimolo are really intended ... to consumption.
The same will be those who will put an alternative impractical and utopian visions of the world from so far away from reality as to be quantum leaps worlds ... parallel.
Yet it does not seem sufficient, especially in the cultural and philosophical, the use of pragmatism to the bitter end or a claim and increasingly unrealistic sharing basis, which puts less and less common assumptions that seem to exist. Absolutely blown away by conflicting interests or worse by the imposition of the requirements of the strong over the weak. Pomigliano and Fiat should teach.
This is why, this sharing of premises is alleged by many parties thicken and piled in the center. Referring, of course, to common areas and neo-liberal fantasy of democracy, variously calling them ... sometimes even just with the definition of the Left.
That surprise me ... but at least I have already said, probably stems from the fact that I am uneducated and unprepared.
They identify the generalization of alignment, even contrived references not exist.
Looking for opportunity to govern, from conservative to more progressive teams ... as if nothing had happened.
is undeniable, however, that the upheavals and tensions that have characterized this phase show that the requirement of viewpoint "class" is seriously needed, not foss'altro che per equilibrare e ridistribuire.
La vera necessità storica di una compagine forte, sensibile, plurale ed aperta che si definisca, orgogliosamente di sinistra, ma che sappia anche cogliere, le evoluzioni storiche, politiche, spirituali di ciò che questo termine cerca di significare, bene questa esigenza sta nel vuoto di ascolto e di proposta, sta nell’incapacità di rappresentazione, che altrimenti avrebbe un'intera parte del mondo...e della società, sta nelle premesse che sottintendono un punto di vista.
Sta anche nella necessità assoluta che L'Area di Progresso e Civiltà compia un passo avanti e non può farlo senza l'ausilio di una forza di questo tipo.
Va però said that those who imagine that they enclose or revolutionary upheavals in crystalline or variously ivory towers, are disappearing because destianati to detach from reality and the world to avoid contamination, we remain convinced themselves to be untouchable and sacred bearers of inalienable truth that will sooner or later confirmed by the historical evolution.
Although, it is they ultimately convinced that the only good fabric that composes them well, ridicaimolo are really intended ... to consumption.
The same will be those who will put an alternative impractical and utopian visions of the world from so far away from reality as to be quantum leaps worlds ... parallel.
Yet it does not seem sufficient, especially in the cultural and philosophical, the use of pragmatism to the bitter end or a claim and increasingly unrealistic sharing basis, which puts less and less common assumptions that seem to exist. Absolutely blown away by conflicting interests or worse by the imposition of the requirements of the strong over the weak. Pomigliano and Fiat should teach.
This is why, this sharing of premises is alleged by many parties thicken and piled in the center. Referring, of course, to common areas and neo-liberal fantasy of democracy, variously calling them ... sometimes even just with the definition of the Left.
That surprise me ... but at least I have already said, probably stems from the fact that I am uneducated and unprepared.
They identify the generalization of alignment, even contrived references not exist.
Looking for opportunity to govern, from conservative to more progressive teams ... as if nothing had happened.
As if that were possible.
It is not clear at this point, for what reason abstruse created the need to define two fields.
The fact is that it seems that this premise, from their point of view, justify every choice ... from bipartisanship, to nuclear power. Until the emperor and feasts on ...
So to say that it is in the fundamental premise that captures importance from that point of view you look and imagine the world becomes in itself ... so revolutionary left and emerges as a fundamental cultural premise
there are statements that are bottom of the Left, as saying that there is an area where We meet and review any media or establish that this is not the best possible world.
It is, therefore, also said that the fall of the walls and the collapse of ideologies, allegedly for a little more, does not justify the uniformity of thought.
At this point arises, the logical need to define an area of \u200b\u200bprogress and civilization that maintains the point of view of the weak, the many, without the power of ... real majorities. Let's have a question:
This area can be ensured by a large container?
That all trite, we all acknowledge, that swallows itself liberal traditions, social, theory, and Marxist radical and the more you have, and so forth.
Apparently not!
seems that you end up with the relentlessly follow the vocation to silence someone, more often than not turns out to be the weakest, the most Afan, the most powerless. The last and different in substance. The premise of
Denial of Perspective request from this area, leading to the displacement of the center of the team to governable amorphous ... all encompassing ultimately non-existent and confusing.
It is not clear at this point, for what reason abstruse created the need to define two fields.
The fact is that it seems that this premise, from their point of view, justify every choice ... from bipartisanship, to nuclear power. Until the emperor and feasts on ...
So to say that it is in the fundamental premise that captures importance from that point of view you look and imagine the world becomes in itself ... so revolutionary left and emerges as a fundamental cultural premise
there are statements that are bottom of the Left, as saying that there is an area where We meet and review any media or establish that this is not the best possible world.
It is, therefore, also said that the fall of the walls and the collapse of ideologies, allegedly for a little more, does not justify the uniformity of thought.
At this point arises, the logical need to define an area of \u200b\u200bprogress and civilization that maintains the point of view of the weak, the many, without the power of ... real majorities. Let's have a question:
This area can be ensured by a large container?
That all trite, we all acknowledge, that swallows itself liberal traditions, social, theory, and Marxist radical and the more you have, and so forth.
Apparently not!
seems that you end up with the relentlessly follow the vocation to silence someone, more often than not turns out to be the weakest, the most Afan, the most powerless. The last and different in substance. The premise of
Denial of Perspective request from this area, leading to the displacement of the center of the team to governable amorphous ... all encompassing ultimately non-existent and confusing.
which by its nature, as the only requirement, storage.
This does not occur only at the practical and political, but also in ethical, moral and spiritual, conforming to the average "defined" normal and that is very often the worst.
Where is the courage to change, to study, to dream of different worlds?
Where the courage to debate and discuss, to push forward the boundaries of conventional wisdom which we call civilization.
where the ability to innovate and renovate, the urge to do it?
If not in those spontaneous movements and impromptu drives that determine them. To say that there
a need to define this area ... so the simplification denies, denies the alternative.
Personally I do not like a two-tone world, but I can, with effort, to accept that they need, but this can only be done while maintaining the salient features of the components that will make up this body, it is always wrong to develop a body in place of the other is ... ends up killing the patient.
This, I realize it is pragmatism, simplification, but permettetemelo.
What is at this point the way to keep the body healthy?
The harmonious development of every characteristic in its specificity.
transferring the metaphor, brutally, in social work.
How can you even imagine a world without Antigone?
uncritical, a world that eliminates the weak and exploits to death those who are not able to rebel is possible to imagine a world that is healthy?
Yet that is exactly what is offered daily.
Just this finding identifies the need of the Left and not an area representative and witness. But left a strong and organized, plural and open, who knows how to lead and compete.
that is able to propose and propose.
that can and stimulating points of view otherwise absent. Who knows
dream and bring worlds and when necessary also to oppose agli abusi.
Non quindi una propaggine inascoltata in un progetto complesso, ma un partecipante a pieno titolo alla stesura del progetto medesimo. Per fare questo è indispensabile una sinistra autonoma e forte che possegga una sua anima ed una cultura da proporre…un’idea di sé e del suo percorso, non una forza inutilmente e stoltamente barricadiera, che dissimuli il proprio vuoto in un mero negazionismo, ma che accetti di volare alto, di elaborare, attualizzazioni e comportamenti, culture e politiche…filosofie e escursioni dello spirito e che sappia farlo nell’Oggi e nel Qui e non sulla scorta di polverosi libri sacri…che possono essere molto inutili se diventano l’unico modo per analizzare la realtà.
This does not occur only at the practical and political, but also in ethical, moral and spiritual, conforming to the average "defined" normal and that is very often the worst.
Where is the courage to change, to study, to dream of different worlds?
Where the courage to debate and discuss, to push forward the boundaries of conventional wisdom which we call civilization.
where the ability to innovate and renovate, the urge to do it?
If not in those spontaneous movements and impromptu drives that determine them. To say that there
a need to define this area ... so the simplification denies, denies the alternative.
Personally I do not like a two-tone world, but I can, with effort, to accept that they need, but this can only be done while maintaining the salient features of the components that will make up this body, it is always wrong to develop a body in place of the other is ... ends up killing the patient.
This, I realize it is pragmatism, simplification, but permettetemelo.
What is at this point the way to keep the body healthy?
The harmonious development of every characteristic in its specificity.
transferring the metaphor, brutally, in social work.
How can you even imagine a world without Antigone?
uncritical, a world that eliminates the weak and exploits to death those who are not able to rebel is possible to imagine a world that is healthy?
Yet that is exactly what is offered daily.
Just this finding identifies the need of the Left and not an area representative and witness. But left a strong and organized, plural and open, who knows how to lead and compete.
that is able to propose and propose.
that can and stimulating points of view otherwise absent. Who knows
dream and bring worlds and when necessary also to oppose agli abusi.
Non quindi una propaggine inascoltata in un progetto complesso, ma un partecipante a pieno titolo alla stesura del progetto medesimo. Per fare questo è indispensabile una sinistra autonoma e forte che possegga una sua anima ed una cultura da proporre…un’idea di sé e del suo percorso, non una forza inutilmente e stoltamente barricadiera, che dissimuli il proprio vuoto in un mero negazionismo, ma che accetti di volare alto, di elaborare, attualizzazioni e comportamenti, culture e politiche…filosofie e escursioni dello spirito e che sappia farlo nell’Oggi e nel Qui e non sulla scorta di polverosi libri sacri…che possono essere molto inutili se diventano l’unico modo per analizzare la realtà.
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