Thursday, February 3, 2011

Can Herpes Look Like A Scratch

Plumcake Ladurée

plumcacke ladurèe style

I tried yet another version of pancakes, this time I was inspired by the cookbook Ladurée. The original recipe was made with candied lemon and icing.
I've changed a bit 'but I kept the whole proceeding.
Good, but next time I'll try to make some changes.


210 grams of flour 200 g sugar 75 g butter

125 grams of yogurt

3 eggs 1 / 2 tablespoon baking
a shot of rum to the syrup

100 grams of sugar water

Beat eggs with sugar (one at a time), add yogurt, rum always beating.
With a spatula, mix gently and gradually add the flour mixed with yeast previously.
Finally add the melted butter, stirring gently.
Butter a loaf pan and pour the mixture.
Heat oven to 210 degrees, bake the plum cake. After 10 minutes, cut the crust will be formed on the plum lengthwise. Lower to 180 degrees and continue cooking for 40 minutes. While the cooks prepare
plum syrup by boiling water with sugar. Remove from the oven
the pancakes, place it on a wire rack and drizzle with the syrup.
Cool completely.


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