vi è mai accaduto di conservare un bel ricordo di un libro e per questo decidete di rileggerlo e lo riscoprite diverso?
E' proprio questo che è accaduto a Pupottina che, a distanza di 15 anni, ha ripreso fra le mani quel libro e ne ha riletto le pagine.
Chissà perché Pupottina ricordava un finale tragico, mentre invece l'estrema sofferenza dei personaggi veniva premiata nel finale con la speranza della felicità.
Chi non ha letto questo libro ed ha intenzione di farlo , non continui a leggere, perché nel commento di seguito, Pupottina svelerà molte parti, unicamente per stimolare un dibattito con chi lo ha già letto.
Il titolo del libro dice già molto. Da esso si deduce che Lady Connie Chatterley , prima o poi, dovrà cadere fra le braccia di un amante, dovrà essere infedele a suo marito e a chi particularly interested in the law because ... because they get to take that relationship. The reasons are many: the invalid husband, the unhappiness of the period in which he lives, the decadence of society, the strength of the senses that for too long remained dormant, the attraction for a man who does not belong to its own class ... and also how to make him, the man who wins, making her fall in love and loved, giving meaning to his life that goes beyond the mere conception of a child who is the original program of Lady Chatterley, who, among all men who go to his house, choose the only one who could make it even happier.
Throughout the book we discover that the loneliness of Lady Chatteley is also part of her lover, the keeper of her husband , the former soldier Oliver Mellors.
page after page, it turns out that the relationship between the two main protagonists is inevitable and full of color, joy and soffrenza their lives, after the scandal broke, turns out to be the least perverse history as a guide, as well passion, love is a deep and visceral part of their own souls, and nothing and nobody can hinder it.
Pupottina not reflect the true history of the publication or the plot of the book, you can view HERE . Even the film adaptations have tried to emulate and recreate the emotions of these pages, certainly not fully succeed.
People who read this book immediately tried the same emotions and Pupottina also did the same and, after 15 years, knows how to have found them, because this time the ending of the book has not reduced to tears, like the previous . Maybe it's because of the tragic, the first was part of his life. Maybe it's because now his life is that special someone.
As you lived to read this book?
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