Di Giandiego Marigo ( poesia dell'autore)
Più che mai la parentesi dolorosa dell'esodo che sta approdando alle nostre rive ci dimostra, al di là di ogni racconto ci venga altrimenti narrato e di ogni prestesto che si adduca o si inventi per raccontarci una storia diversa, fatta di cupidigia e di paura, cosa realmente siano le migranze.
Solo alcuni in questo paese ( peccato che siano anche dei ministri ) possono essere convinti che esista differenza fra quello che avviene oggi e quel che accade invece ogni giorno. Ogni migranza è legata , sempre ad accadimenti historical and geo political ... is always the need for the pain and hunger, the fear of war or desertification, depletion of resources or poverty that move a nation towards another place other than home, it's mythology or reality humanity is seeking the best for their children if not for himself.
Human history is the history of migrancy the same Indo-European Aryans ... which we fill their mouths are migrants. Each migrant people was before or after.
I'm not a speaker, much less a comprehensive and investigative journalist, others explain the phenomena in terms of news, it will do well in describing an obvious reality and trying to overcome the ill-information instead of those who have an interest in raccontare una storia differente. Sono forse poeta. e scrittore..ed infatti finirò questo mio post con una poesia e quella di cui voglio raccontare è l'anima, il cuore ed il sentimento...l'esistere ed il camminare.
Poniamo la nostra attenzione al mondo che ci circonda ed alla sua realtà quali sono i paesi montanti, quelli nei quali musica , arte, aspetto fisico, forza, sono in evidente ed esponenziale crescita? Quali sono i paesi in cui la figura umana è migliore, più sana e più bella...più forte? Sono forse quelli che hanno praticato la chiusura dei propri confini? La difesa della loro etnia? La difesa ad oltranza dei loro muri rabberciati? Mi pare di no e forse la mia è una visione romantica But it seems obvious to notice where the mixity has acted in a more disruptive force that crosses into beauty, creativity e. .. yes! Even more creativity and a richer spirituality. Even the image of the Deity is more complete and stronger spirituality, where it has suffered contamination.
Health in mixed populations is higher and the percentage of possible ... the capacity to adapt is much more tenacious. They are best suited, better prepared, more human.
If the creator had wanted to avoid any contamination would have locked in cages and mazes or simply created equal ... that we would, I know it is rather a panegyric to creazionisti, ma permettetemi questa gioco retorico, che trovo efficace.
Il mondo sta cambiando, temo in peggio, la presenza umana ha chiesto il suo prezzo, anche se la pesantezza e la responsabilità non sono le medesime per tutti i popoli. Molti hanno moltissimo avuto e poco dato, altri ricevuto invece molto , molto meno, ma nonostante questo il mondo sta cambiando per tutti. Questo è per sue caratteristiche peculiari ed intrinseche, storiche e geo-politiche, climatiche ed ambientali un tempo di migranze. Affermati storici potrebbero, volendo e privilegiando la verità alla convenienza culturale dimostrarlo scientificamente. Economisti insigni, altrettanto se avessero la volontà di rappresentare il mondo come è, non come loro serve both, may prove in practice that this is uncontrollable, and inescapable karmic.
fact is that this is so, it will be and this is a time that we preparaci migrancy. Many times such
impervesato have in our world, changing in appearance and composition of its people can decide to be the wave of progress and civilization, making this a time of tremendous opportunity or we can decide to better resist history, we have often done with the results, always dramatic and epoch-making. We can make this time a source of creation and renewal, a time of novelty and stimulation, or deny it and start to build walls to defend our borders, check blood groups, to build fires concentration camps and extermination.
This has an impact immediate and practical, verifiable in everyday from now on, here and now. We are already experiencing these days we are already at that time. We are setting them, we are deciding where to go, what will the future that we will live ... and take care not at all, because what is certain and not dependent on us ... mixity, the mixture is the only possible answer and will be with us or not, time will be because it's the only thing that can afford to continue without exterminating each other. Gaia has always responded well to every problem to appear ... mixing the cards. The reality is that there are no pure races in this world are in denial ... a scientific absurdity.
... Today we are here also because we are convinced that shuffling the cards is right, because we know that there is no Bainco without all the colors ... but not even exist without them black.
We are here today to learn, because it is right to do and why you should, because this time the junction we make the right decision. Why do we who inhabit the world ... stop or migrants who we are, we must learn from those who meet to be better. Because the mixture is rich and the possibility that Gaia has given us to escape and escape to our own folly.
Perchè questa società sarà migliore e per esserlo ha bisogno che noi impariamo e che anche i migranti lo facciano...perchè questo è l'unico modo per imparare davvero, reciprocamente, uno dall'altro perchè l'esperienza sta nello scambio e non nella nozione.
Inizimo dai diritti...dal reciproco rispetto...dall'apprendimento delle specifiche storie...perchè tutti, alla fine siamo ospiti di Gaia ed il concetto di padroni in casa propria è un'abberrazione...oltre ad essere impossibile.
Writers fate
equal, all made the same breath
same path, destiny
writers are on the same street, the same blood on his head
same stars
same sky
our stories are then
always the same
that our children are always the most beautiful. Yet we
far, we divided ... different
separated, broken, in war ... corrupted by money from the things
from matter by
theorize moral power, new philosophies or
us talk of the past are terrible, cruel, and miserable, yet large
and high and then sublime
us scriviam
songs and not sing sappiam
us scriviam
poems and not able to say that we
scriviam prayers
We're not sure but we pray that
us brothers like Cain Abel us ....
pace and that is our
We're not sure which is the same that we are the body
us who are the soul
us the intellect that we are nothing
equal, all made the same breath
same path, destiny
writers are on the same street, the same blood on his head
same stars
same sky
our stories are then
always the same
that our children are always the most beautiful. Yet we
far, we divided ... different
separated, broken, in war ... corrupted by money from the things
from matter by
theorize moral power, new philosophies or
us talk of the past are terrible, cruel, and miserable, yet large
and high and then sublime
us scriviam
songs and not sing sappiam
us scriviam
poems and not able to say that we
scriviam prayers
We're not sure but we pray that
us brothers like Cain Abel us ....
pace and that is our
We're not sure which is the same that we are the body
us who are the soul
us the intellect that we are nothing
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