By Marigo Giandiego
How many times have I heard repeated, even by me, which is necessary to standardize, consolidate, aggregate, spread and become gente, lavorare fra la gente...per modificare la cultura e le premesse?
Quante volte ogni nuovo politico di turno lo ha ripetuto?
Io mi sono divertito a chiamarla Area di Progresso e Civiltà , ma ve lo ripeto...quante volte ho sentito da parte ora di questo ora di quello la ripetizione di questa necessità assoluta???
Davvero troppe!
Sono molto stanco, vado a pezzi...perdo i denti e le mie ginocchia non hanno più cartilagini il mio cuore funziona male, sono disoccupato, non ho i soldi per mangiare ed il mio futuro è tinto di fosche colorazioni...ma chi me lo fa fare a me di continuare a preoccuparmi di questa Sinistra...del fatto o meno che questa area di Civiltà si formi...chi mi paga, nessuno!
Ho sempre e solo pagato io, mentre ho conosciuto davvero un'infinità di individui che sono passati, si sono accomodati ed appena conquistata una posizione remunerativa...semplicemente dimenticati, oppure, adattati se preferite.
Perchè la meni a noi mi chiederete ed avete mille ragioni per farlo...ve lo dico .
Ho partecipato con entusiasmo alla parabola viola, cercando di profondere tutta la mia speranza che un movimento siffatto, potesse superare storture e limiti di una ideologizzazione che ormai ha ben poco senso, che potesse rappresentare il nuovo...pur partendo da limiti evidenti di eccessiva personalizzazione dell'antagonista.
Cosa è successo?
Non dico in due o tre anni...ma in molto meno di uno, divisioni, scazzi, personalismi, arrivismi...leader in contrasto ed eterno litigio, ognuno si alza alla mattina ed indice una propria manifestazione nazionale, ovviamente e sempre, che alla fine oscilla fra le mille e le cinquemila persone quando è molto partecipata...tutto questo sulla scorta di una grandiosa manifestazione, passata, che non si è mai realmente analizzata nella sua reale partecipazione, ma che tutti si sono auto-attribuita come successo personale...a proprio merito e curricula ed allora pagine, mille insulti, gruppi in contrasto ed ancora litigi, auto-elezioni...mille rivoli...per finire ad essere poco o nulla.
Ho fondato alcune pagine su Facebook fra which NO SHAME OF THE GOVERNMENT, in defense of popular sovereignty , No Razzimo Day , 100,000 Faces and the subsequent anti-racist 100,000 faces March First, I opened with other blogs and sites ... I write on blogs and sites and pages on Facebook are also many others that I mention this because it fills POST only with their names.
I contributed and I'm contributing to the organization of March 1-A day without us . Here, too, arguments, powers of leadership, promotion of research staff, divisions and definitions mutual vetoes ... ... and so on.
not abhor the parties, I believe that they are indeed in their local organizations and basic part of the real civil society, or at least they are an important-component, but do not underestimate the contrary I follow with great attention and interest, and always personal vocation, the movements and grassroots organizations.
associations I belong to and I feel great sympathy for the Movement five stars, I listen to them and very often share their pleading.
Today I am following with great sympathy and parteciapazione friends and comrades of the Radical-Socialist Movement
are fascism and, of course, left ...
Yet even in the small, even in civil society, even in the associations we manage to divide us, to fight to have different visions and conflicting opinions that lead us to distrust each other. To understand a little joke and I will do some examples:
I met just this morning, a militant FdS told me that as the newly formed federation there are already tensions characterized by internal factions PdCI that joins with The Ernesto , Rifondazione remains alone ... while the secretaries and political leaders riamangono always the same for 7623 years and we are talking about an aggregation born less than a year, but we want to talk about the PD ? Best to avoid
Or IDV, where we have made in a single county executive condo which has, by itself, and extraordinarily, 40 cards that are designed to control and then the provincial copoluogo?? Not specific to the province, but it could be any and would be fine though. We speak the same king
Cinquestellini ?
prorpio so I call them because I respect them and sympathize and I'm not going to call absolutely Grillini ... how are you there?
point does not seem that different from these! Also because when
then let them report that and the Thousand and are still a thousand reasons to disagree and to stand out, rather than walking ... paired ON POSSIBLE. Finding mutual understanding of the unbridgeable gap Policy on renewables, on the understanding of the country ... perspectives.
I'm tired, really exhausted! I may be asked to choose between this and that.
Tired of seeing friends and girlfriends go on different sides of the same speech, saying things like that and accusing the other of having betrayed the deep sense of wanting to misrepresent the spirit.
I have pain in my life, time, physical and spiritual pain.
are destroyed by the devastating repetition of this same pattern endlessly absolute helplessness that ensues. I seem to hear the laughter around us, noting that an entire nation is content of an empress phony and comic for the absolute lack of alternatives. We want to talk about
SEL then? .. Why would seem that I have forgotten my painting ... SEL that has managed to divide addiruttura in the cradle and which by its nature now is not clear whether it is a branch of the PD or the hope of a true representation of the left at least if not in fact.
A Party not the party that ends up being only the electoral committee of the President Vendola.
I repeat I am tired, depleted, full of pain and none of them ever asked me how I'm , against continuing to build rhetorical structures made of confluences and compelling drive that will not happen ever.
How many times have I heard repeated, even by me, which is necessary to standardize, consolidate, aggregate, spread and become gente, lavorare fra la gente...per modificare la cultura e le premesse?
Quante volte ogni nuovo politico di turno lo ha ripetuto?
Io mi sono divertito a chiamarla Area di Progresso e Civiltà , ma ve lo ripeto...quante volte ho sentito da parte ora di questo ora di quello la ripetizione di questa necessità assoluta???
Davvero troppe!
Sono molto stanco, vado a pezzi...perdo i denti e le mie ginocchia non hanno più cartilagini il mio cuore funziona male, sono disoccupato, non ho i soldi per mangiare ed il mio futuro è tinto di fosche colorazioni...ma chi me lo fa fare a me di continuare a preoccuparmi di questa Sinistra...del fatto o meno che questa area di Civiltà si formi...chi mi paga, nessuno!
Ho sempre e solo pagato io, mentre ho conosciuto davvero un'infinità di individui che sono passati, si sono accomodati ed appena conquistata una posizione remunerativa...semplicemente dimenticati, oppure, adattati se preferite.
Perchè la meni a noi mi chiederete ed avete mille ragioni per farlo...ve lo dico .
Ho partecipato con entusiasmo alla parabola viola, cercando di profondere tutta la mia speranza che un movimento siffatto, potesse superare storture e limiti di una ideologizzazione che ormai ha ben poco senso, che potesse rappresentare il nuovo...pur partendo da limiti evidenti di eccessiva personalizzazione dell'antagonista.
Cosa è successo?
Non dico in due o tre anni...ma in molto meno di uno, divisioni, scazzi, personalismi, arrivismi...leader in contrasto ed eterno litigio, ognuno si alza alla mattina ed indice una propria manifestazione nazionale, ovviamente e sempre, che alla fine oscilla fra le mille e le cinquemila persone quando è molto partecipata...tutto questo sulla scorta di una grandiosa manifestazione, passata, che non si è mai realmente analizzata nella sua reale partecipazione, ma che tutti si sono auto-attribuita come successo personale...a proprio merito e curricula ed allora pagine, mille insulti, gruppi in contrasto ed ancora litigi, auto-elezioni...mille rivoli...per finire ad essere poco o nulla.
Ho fondato alcune pagine su Facebook fra which NO SHAME OF THE GOVERNMENT, in defense of popular sovereignty , No Razzimo Day , 100,000 Faces and the subsequent anti-racist 100,000 faces March First, I opened with other blogs and sites ... I write on blogs and sites and pages on Facebook are also many others that I mention this because it fills POST only with their names.
I contributed and I'm contributing to the organization of March 1-A day without us . Here, too, arguments, powers of leadership, promotion of research staff, divisions and definitions mutual vetoes ... ... and so on.
not abhor the parties, I believe that they are indeed in their local organizations and basic part of the real civil society, or at least they are an important-component, but do not underestimate the contrary I follow with great attention and interest, and always personal vocation, the movements and grassroots organizations.
associations I belong to and I feel great sympathy for the Movement five stars, I listen to them and very often share their pleading.
Today I am following with great sympathy and parteciapazione friends and comrades of the Radical-Socialist Movement
are fascism and, of course, left ...
Yet even in the small, even in civil society, even in the associations we manage to divide us, to fight to have different visions and conflicting opinions that lead us to distrust each other. To understand a little joke and I will do some examples:
I met just this morning, a militant FdS told me that as the newly formed federation there are already tensions characterized by internal factions PdCI that joins with The Ernesto , Rifondazione remains alone ... while the secretaries and political leaders riamangono always the same for 7623 years and we are talking about an aggregation born less than a year, but we want to talk about the PD ? Best to avoid
Or IDV, where we have made in a single county executive condo which has, by itself, and extraordinarily, 40 cards that are designed to control and then the provincial copoluogo?? Not specific to the province, but it could be any and would be fine though. We speak the same king
Cinquestellini ?
prorpio so I call them because I respect them and sympathize and I'm not going to call absolutely Grillini ... how are you there?
point does not seem that different from these! Also because when
then let them report that and the Thousand and are still a thousand reasons to disagree and to stand out, rather than walking ... paired ON POSSIBLE. Finding mutual understanding of the unbridgeable gap Policy on renewables, on the understanding of the country ... perspectives.
I'm tired, really exhausted! I may be asked to choose between this and that.
Tired of seeing friends and girlfriends go on different sides of the same speech, saying things like that and accusing the other of having betrayed the deep sense of wanting to misrepresent the spirit.
I have pain in my life, time, physical and spiritual pain.
are destroyed by the devastating repetition of this same pattern endlessly absolute helplessness that ensues. I seem to hear the laughter around us, noting that an entire nation is content of an empress phony and comic for the absolute lack of alternatives. We want to talk about
SEL then? .. Why would seem that I have forgotten my painting ... SEL that has managed to divide addiruttura in the cradle and which by its nature now is not clear whether it is a branch of the PD or the hope of a true representation of the left at least if not in fact.
A Party not the party that ends up being only the electoral committee of the President Vendola.
I repeat I am tired, depleted, full of pain and none of them ever asked me how I'm , against continuing to build rhetorical structures made of confluences and compelling drive that will not happen ever.
Today I met a friend at the Bar and a coffee we chatted about local elections and a list of success offers adventure mixed-civic parties that reflect reality and that manages to combine a broad spectrum of society ... and he sorsseggiando his cup and he looked at me said
"Of course ... good, but then in the popular neighborhoods, among the people still voting right is not much"
This is the description of external reality while we, on our behalf, we continue to fight .
Really, I can not tell, and I finish because I've dried enough, if they are Left resignation as a foolish and without backbone, without the genuine desire to pass over the obstacle and to find speech and consequently to talk to people.
What I know is that nobody seems to want to represent this fatigue, this pain and this genuine need for an alternative that is not there and I can not, I really can not be alone with four other desperate people who just do not Tafazzi are agonizing to see a bottle
"Of course ... good, but then in the popular neighborhoods, among the people still voting right is not much"
This is the description of external reality while we, on our behalf, we continue to fight .
Really, I can not tell, and I finish because I've dried enough, if they are Left resignation as a foolish and without backbone, without the genuine desire to pass over the obstacle and to find speech and consequently to talk to people.
What I know is that nobody seems to want to represent this fatigue, this pain and this genuine need for an alternative that is not there and I can not, I really can not be alone with four other desperate people who just do not Tafazzi are agonizing to see a bottle
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