of Marigo Giandiego
Here he is! The Emperor Phony we unveiled in the construction of a sentence where it's all his malice and where he has found and built systemic support that allowed him to be, first of all, where there is a second analysis and to concentrate power in his hands that has few precedents in history, short, democracy in this country. The delay
and a sort of "complicity" latent entire political class is the bogeyman in this ... he claims to have removed and that the enemy wants Brave Toreador Matare for ... " His cases, seems clear, however, that ... will become the most when it comes to "Tangentopoli" and years of "Clean Hands".
lies in its declaration and that of his companion Alfano:
"Who does nothing to change the justice demands that justice remains as is" Keeper of the words Mr Alfano.
While the prime minister himself, delights us with a statesmanlike anlisi "If the standards proposed today were in force in the past, probably there would have been the flooding, the invasion of the judiciary in politics. There was a situation which has led to changes in government, the cancellation of an entire class of government in 92 '- 93', all'abbattimentodi a government in 94 ', the fall the left-wing government in 98 'on the proposed reform of the Justice Minister Mastella ... but "in particular" there would have been attempting, in the course of legal proceedings to remove the government "
So the message loud and clear is that with the text proposed rules no one could condemn an \u200b\u200bentire political class that it violated the law pocketing bribes.
Tangentopoli never existed Italioti and could continue to live in ignorance of what was happening with their money behind them ... which is basically what "the clique" wants to rebuild the country.
What I, personally, it hurts you the "Relative Silence" with which these laws pass
occurs to me that at the end of the bogeyman ... the old enemy is in some horrible way, common to an entire political class, which has apparently renewed.
I feel the need to manage important, relevant. I believe that the scope, really epic, this should motivate non-reform movements that have international significance and important ... I know Un'incatenamento collective of all opposition outside Parliament ... if not the addirrittura resigns en masse to the inability to stop a project objective and neutral coup.
certainly an act "strong" would be recognized internationally, but in my humble opinion would anchge necessary, because one "clearly" that there are no "connivance" and "complicity", that there are "legitimate." But the opposition
bela ... sometimes howling, but not actually anything. It differs, representation ... participates in debates ... in fact legitimizing this government in what he does. A
"Government of Shame" which is "daily" legitimized by that opposition should just let him miss "recognition". Non sempre e non necessariamente il fatto di avere appoggio popolare significa che un governo sia leggitimato. Anche Gheddafi ha appoggio popolare, anche Hitler e Mussolini lo avevano. L'appoggio polare si ottiene, quando si detenga il potere, in molti modi ed il padrone assoluto della comunicazione ha ben più di un sistema per ottenerlo.
Oggi sta attaccando le basi ed i fondamenti costituzionali del nostro ordinamento? Questo è vero o non è vero...e se lo è Come possiamo permettergli di farlo???
Personalmente sono un pacifista , non violento, ma anche Gandhi lo era ed ha cambiato il proprio paese.
Un gesto Eclatante e Rappresentativo può essere nel solco della Non violenza e del Pacifism , but not be in my humble opinion less "strong"
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