the context of AboutFood on beans and peas propose again this pie that I liked very much!
pastry (Gennaro): 00
125gr flour 125gr cream cheese (like Philadelphia or similar)
80 g butter, softened 1
plenty of salt Sift the flour with salt, cheese and join the butter and stir with a fork or cut with a spatula hard to obtain a more or less regular briciolame.
crumbs in plastic wrap (scegliamone a type of PVC-free) and help with this, compact the ground and form a rectangle with a side of a half longer than the other, up a bit 'less than a finger.
to refrigerator until the day successivo.Sistemiamo the dough on a lightly floured pastry board and give an easy ride (three), as for the common pastry. We have in the fridge for half an hour.
repeat the process two more times, three laps around simple. At first the mixture will look grainy and uneven, but the third round will comply.
Now stendiamolo thin, ca. 2 - 3mm.
for the filling: 250 grams of beans
200 grams of sausage
50 ml cream 50 ml milk 1 egg
Parmesan cheese salt, pepper
Shell the fava beans, boil for 5 / 6 minutes, then cool under water and peel them. Sauté with olive oil, salt and pepper. Apart
brown the sausage whole, then peeled and cut into chunks.
Roll out the pastry on a baking pan, put the beans on the bottom and place the sausage pieces are. Apart
beat egg with cream and milk and add the grated parmesan. Pour the mixture into the pan and bake at 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
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