Giandiego Marigo Di Rosa and Bruno
Here we serve a new nightmare!
If it was a windmill in Fukushima fall or if you had a broken solar panel would not be here to shake an entire nation and the world.
We realize that forever after, the risks that were not ... "contemplative" usually excuses to justify "Who could imagine" .
have said so even after the fall of Babel Tower ? Or have thought that you could not predict even after Sodom and Gomorrah?
Al beyond the biblical references, impact, try to read the reality of this story.
Japan is an example for many aspects of Absolute "Modernity" and "Efficiency" realization of the dream of a superior civilization and technology. The security system of that country are more advanced, more efficient, more modern you can imagine, their technology is at the forefront ... the best possible. There is a piercing symbolism in the fact that the nightmare materializes there.
Once again your writer did not fool the descriptions in preparation for advancing scientific and engineering ... Nor would it, there are specialized journalists and scientists to this, there are well-paid experts tuttibile that populate the endless, endless and mystifying that the television broadcasts of the events we Ammaniti.
Only a few words ... for one thing more.
What is happening with the Japanese Nuclear should give us pause, even if the disinformazia is powerful and even if power is already responding to conceal the fact, to tell it how to mitigate it and how it should be.
Many, many of us will go to sea in June.
Al beyond the biblical references, impact, try to read the reality of this story.
Japan is an example for many aspects of Absolute "Modernity" and "Efficiency" realization of the dream of a superior civilization and technology. The security system of that country are more advanced, more efficient, more modern you can imagine, their technology is at the forefront ... the best possible. There is a piercing symbolism in the fact that the nightmare materializes there.
Once again your writer did not fool the descriptions in preparation for advancing scientific and engineering ... Nor would it, there are specialized journalists and scientists to this, there are well-paid experts tuttibile that populate the endless, endless and mystifying that the television broadcasts of the events we Ammaniti.
Only a few words ... for one thing more.
What is happening with the Japanese Nuclear should give us pause, even if the disinformazia is powerful and even if power is already responding to conceal the fact, to tell it how to mitigate it and how it should be.
Many, many of us will go to sea in June.
worries only about his own holiday and "deserved" rest.
They did it on purpose to put them there the referendum on water and nuclear. They were moved and placed in the middle of June beyond any logical reason, any reason for saving, every consideration of common sense, just because they want this, that people go to the sea.
Here! I am not a scientist or even a famous "oncologist" 'm just a citizen, but I will not go to sea on June 12 because they think, among other things, to Japan. Indeed
Here! I am not a scientist or even a famous "oncologist" 'm just a citizen, but I will not go to sea on June 12 because they think, among other things, to Japan. Indeed
Let's face it, if I were a mother, pending the closing of the only school to go on vacation, well I expect to be able to vote ... just for my children. Try
for a moment to make a comparison, if Japan is an example the absolute world of modernity and technology ... what are we?
for a moment to make a comparison, if Japan is an example the absolute world of modernity and technology ... what are we?
implanting ... We think that now, or better over the next ten years the nuclear industry.
We are the country's schools made of sand, cement in the Student Houses depleted, we are the country of cracks and speculation, that the arrangements Aumm Aumm and bribes.
of the 'Ndrangheta in power in the North and South America, the shady deals ... the country that accepts the compromise with the gangs on the altar of God Money.
We are the country that fails to stop its decay hydrogeological a country of landslides, which can not keep clean while that purifies the water of the Lambro. The choice
"Nuclear" is unfortunate for this reason, a dead end that is not even economically viable, not for the people and even less absolute.
only and to be sure, represents the interests and military power to a very small part of "power structure".
"Nuclear" is unfortunate for this reason, a dead end that is not even economically viable, not for the people and even less absolute.
only and to be sure, represents the interests and military power to a very small part of "power structure".
A minority of rich and powerful who need "Centralization" and "Control" and requires holding the power and the possession of the tap which distributes and controls the energy.
The claim, quindi lo teorizza come forma di “evoluzione” negando e combattendo ogni evidenza anche laddove la “Modernità”, quella vera, quella che si coniuga veramente con il termine “Progresso” , suggerisca invece la distribuzione e la rete.
The claim, quindi lo teorizza come forma di “evoluzione” negando e combattendo ogni evidenza anche laddove la “Modernità”, quella vera, quella che si coniuga veramente con il termine “Progresso” , suggerisca invece la distribuzione e la rete.
Minoranza, per altro violenta e ed intimidatoria, che è pronta a tutto anche a militarizzare una nazione pur di ottenere il controllo e la creazione di questo Rubinetto.
La scelta Nucleare non è per il paese, ma per loro, funzionale solo ai loro giochi. Si badi poi che questi “figuri” sono poi i medesimi che hanno mantenuto e mantengono questo paese nelle condizioni che si sono stigmatized a little higher.
To this I would think if I had to pack to leave June 12 and still participate in the mobilizations that seek to advance and unify the referendum vote in local elections.
is not because "alternative" or "progressive" but because it is the future of my children and my grandchildren that you are talking about this ... and I, am not prepared to issue "Bills in White " to anyone for any reason
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