Thursday, March 3, 2011

Left Hand Milk Stout Pressure

Berlusconi to take prisoners without

Faced with the minority of fascists, racists, piduisti, clerical mafia that has taken hostage our country and uses the democratic institutions to pursue their personal interests and their affairs, to promote their clientes, destroy national unity, to deny the primacy of the law and refuse to sottoporvisi as due to every citizen, and uncompromising opposition bold should be claiming a radical principle.
And that is that since the current government is constitutionally illegitimate, having violated some basic rules which also relies on our democracy (the ineligibility of Berlusconi as holder of public grants, the inability to hold the office of Prime Minister because of his conflict of interest, the distortion of contention elettorale realizzata grazie al dominio sulle televisioni (private e pubbliche), l'inosservanza del principio di servire la Nazione con disciplina ed onore), nulli dovrebbero essere considerati tutti gli atti e tutte le leggi che hanno arbitrariamente e illegalmente varato il governo ed il parlamento berlusconiani.
Dovrebbero dunque essere considerate prive di validità giuridica e retroattivamente ininfluenti, una volta che sia stata ripristinata la legittimità democratica e costituzionale, le leggi ad personam che hanno salvato Berlusconi e i suoi amici da processi e condanne e che verranno a tal fine in futuro messe in cantiere, i condoni fiscali che hanno premiato con risibili oboli gli evasori, le norme sul federalismo che dovessero essere approved by these cameras to break the national unity and the bond of solidarity that unites the Italian people, the designations for public office, promotions, economic benefits, especially when the government budget, which are intended to enjoy life - during natural - the 'name' and benefited from the clique.
state this at least would have a deterrent effect in the continuing pursuit of a proprietary conception of public power to the oligarchy which has come to power and the conviction that they could jeopardize their own benefit, permanently and irrevocably, the common good .
And you should at the same time give strength to the idea, finally that dishonesty to sweep which continues to hold the Italian people in a minority, not against corrupt and corrupting, major tax evaders, the members of criminal organizations, of the bankrupts, those who inflict permanent damage to the environment and human health, must applied as additional punishment, the confiscation of the entire personal assets or otherwise attributable to them, whether or not the fruit of their illegal activity.


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