evaluation a little less than hot on the mobilization of First March appears necessary to condemn the errors, where there have been and for reviving the idea of \u200b\u200bfieldwork ... that many, this writer first and foremost consider extremely important.
In many ways, the mobilization was less than that which occurred last year. In some cases, as in Milan, sadly even lower than expected, but this was focused almost entirely if not there where the union structure and membership wanted to take the place of the mixed aggregates ... second-generation Italian immigrants.
Where conveniences "political" and diatribes, useless to the correctness or otherwise of the Term "Strike of Emigrants took over the organization of basic and moments of 'self-consciousness of the real protagonists of the day, that of Migrants. But where the path of
Committees and Working Groups was punctual, daily and continuous esvolto everything was for the best.
Committees and Working Groups was punctual, daily and continuous esvolto everything was for the best.
Indeed, the organizational capacity of moments of true mixité proved to be exciting and even touching.
There were different views and even some controversy too, in preparation. Frantendimenti and diversity of opinion, but the day was, on a broad framework and national success.
There were different views and even some controversy too, in preparation. Frantendimenti and diversity of opinion, but the day was, on a broad framework and national success.
For two reasons: The first
that for the argument that there was posed the question of the use of strike as an assertion of an inalienable right of workers and, implicitly questioned the figure of the migrant worker as equal in dignity and rights as any other. In fact, this scribe pemettete trivial pretext to claim that the controversy is engaged and that another ripercuotesi not that of the same union that divides the world and that, all the work and its relationship with the representation and rights, then a reflection of a broader debate, which covers employees and representation as a whole .
The second reason for complacency is that people have mobilized this need was clear and he did very conscientious, informed of the reason why she was there she was.
The second reason for complacency is that people have mobilized this need was clear and he did very conscientious, informed of the reason why she was there she was.
This is reason for complacency, because visible and practical realization of the mixity of which we are preaching.
say a few words on failure of Milan, because it has its importance, little activity and too much silence has characterized the period that went from March 1, 2010 the same day of 2011, migrancy and related issues are not an easy vehicle for propaganda ... and it makes no sense to make a call immediately after working hours in the week .. . if that is not tied to a mobilization and a strike, which was not in Milan.
say a few words on failure of Milan, because it has its importance, little activity and too much silence has characterized the period that went from March 1, 2010 the same day of 2011, migrancy and related issues are not an easy vehicle for propaganda ... and it makes no sense to make a call immediately after working hours in the week .. . if that is not tied to a mobilization and a strike, which was not in Milan.
would have been better at this point to make a spectacular action and witness on a Saturday or Sunday ... any day of the week and on March 1 ... he has, and is proven by the facts and a symbolic value which has now brought his date.
something like that Milanese semza actual mobilization, without due propaganda could only succeed it is successful ... and badly.
All this comes together, although not so ... done for convenience, shape, also quite clear, of idiosyncrasy to the only real form of struggle has been brought, however debatable, in the period we are talking about , and exactly Employment Imbonati Tower, which marked an infinite number of distinctions, many vetoes ... until overt accusations of spontaneity that characterized the table from Milan. This is not good for the success of initiatives such as not good that the union-associative structures ... become the protagonists of a unique initiative which should start from the bottom.
Now some questions remain, which is perhaps If the attitude. First ask whether the aftermath of some divisions and discussions within the Committees March 1 and Associations could compromise with the nagging persistence of painful and fruitless discussion, the path of a work on mixity and the Rights on Culture Mash it is vital important and useful. As usual in the area of \u200b\u200bcreating Progress and Civilization, different schools, different trends and different opinions against each other armed and therefore doomed to failure and the testimony useless.
something like that Milanese semza actual mobilization, without due propaganda could only succeed it is successful ... and badly.
All this comes together, although not so ... done for convenience, shape, also quite clear, of idiosyncrasy to the only real form of struggle has been brought, however debatable, in the period we are talking about , and exactly Employment Imbonati Tower, which marked an infinite number of distinctions, many vetoes ... until overt accusations of spontaneity that characterized the table from Milan. This is not good for the success of initiatives such as not good that the union-associative structures ... become the protagonists of a unique initiative which should start from the bottom.
Now some questions remain, which is perhaps If the attitude. First ask whether the aftermath of some divisions and discussions within the Committees March 1 and Associations could compromise with the nagging persistence of painful and fruitless discussion, the path of a work on mixity and the Rights on Culture Mash it is vital important and useful. As usual in the area of \u200b\u200bcreating Progress and Civilization, different schools, different trends and different opinions against each other armed and therefore doomed to failure and the testimony useless.
Or if you have the courage to raise a now essential cultural work, perchè unica visione logica, umana e possibile per realizzare un Osservatorio Permanente sulle Migranze che abbia senso e capacità di intervento.
Per qullo che lo scrivente sa... I Comitati Primo Marzo rilanceranno, e spero lo facciano anche altre associazioni ed altri gruppi come il No Razzismo Day .( da cui lo scrivente deriva, pur essendone ad oggi uscito)..o gli stessi Sindacati e le Associazioni della Rete di Reti dopo aver capito dove sia stato il loro errore, umiltà che forse non hanno.
Per qullo che lo scrivente sa... I Comitati Primo Marzo rilanceranno, e spero lo facciano anche altre associazioni ed altri gruppi come il No Razzismo Day .( da cui lo scrivente deriva, pur essendone ad oggi uscito)..o gli stessi Sindacati e le Associazioni della Rete di Reti dopo aver capito dove sia stato il loro errore, umiltà che forse non hanno.
Confidando che le tendenze, sempre presenti al differenziarsi ed al ritenersi unici portatori di verità vengano contenute in limiti di reciproca autonomia...se proprio serve il mantenerle e comprendendo che solo nell'unità e nella pratica quotidiana dell'azione fra la gente sta la risposta, nella frequentazione dei migranti e delle loro tematiche la sfida e che la Mixitè si fa contaminandosi e non parlandone o cercando facili ed inutili commozioni. Le tematiche “forti” della geo-politica odierna ci pongono pressante il tema delle migranze.
Spesso chi scrive lo ha definito fenomeno storico ed epocale ...e mai come oggi questo è Vero , Presente ed Urgente ...speriamo che Mixitè sia e che lo sia sul serio.
Speriamo che quando saremo chiamati by history, which is here and now we all are able to respond as a unit, perhaps with a serious cultural proposal, created by the sharing and discussion and not with a thousand and one identity and diversity initiative ... fragmented, as we are so good at usually do.
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