Monday, January 17, 2011

Schumacher Se-1052 User Guide

Petits pots vanille (bruleèèèèè)

crema bruciata alla vaniglia

Finalmente sono entrata in possesso di un cannello e ho voluto provarlo immediatamente. Peccato che non avessi della panna in creme brulèe classica era da escludere e so I remedied by a vanilla cream. Brulee of course.

Ingredients (6):

3 eggs 40 cl of milk 1 vanilla pod

60 grams of sugar cane sugar to caramelize

Beat eggs with sugar until they are pretty swollen. Apart from just boil the milk with the vanilla pod and seeds.
Strain the milk and pour over eggs. Mix well.
Butter 6 cups, fill them with cream and bake in a water bath for 30 minutes at 150 degrees.
Cool and refrigerate for at least an hour.
Before serving sprinkle baking cups, each with a tablespoon of brown sugar and caramelize it with a cannello.


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