Thursday, February 18, 2010

Does Spinnaker 33 Oc Md Have A Pool

coordinamento cpo e istituzioni

This group is designed to support the CPO that want to operate a clamping action within its own institution, to create networks of CPO at a regional level such as that described by representatives of the cpo of Tuscany (the ladies here should give us a hand to find the documentation). A first step within the government is to monitor the language of internal circulars and forms, pointing to the implementation of the Joint Ministerial Directive of the Ministry of Government Administration and Equal Opportunities of 05.23.2007 on "Measures to implement equality and equal opportunities for men and women in government." In Section 3, VI, and the resolution can be read, in fact, that one should "use all the working papers [...] non-discriminatory language such as, for example, use as much as possible collective nouns or names that include people of the two genres "and Note 4 to that point we refer to" Recommendations for the use of non-sexist language Italian "Alma Sabatini (1987). (see link highlighted on the right)

The dissemination of good practices would go cascade using the rewriting of statutes, circolare e formulari giĆ  fatti da altre amministrazioni.

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