The thing that I like to make more 'absolute is bread. Whether the dough by hand or with the mixer is always a great satisfaction. I love to see when it rises and I like the smell that emanates when cooked.
Those of today are slippers with semolina and olive oil, a goodness!
Ingredients (for 6 slippers):
00 200 grams of flour 200 grams of durum wheat
4 tablespoons olive oil
175 grams of water 1 / 2 cube fresh yeast
2 teaspoons salt
Dissolve yeast in warm water. Mix the two flours, add the oil and begin to knead adding water little by little. When the mixture begins to form, add salt and continue ad impastare fino ad ottenere una bella palla compatta.
Far lievitare per due ore al caldo.
Dividere l'impasto in sei, formare delle palline e appiattirle a ciabattina rotonda col palmo della mano.
Spolverare di semola e lasciar lievitare un'altra ora.
Cuocerea 220 gradi per 14 minuti.
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