Mubarak and Berlusconi's Italy is the number one danger for Italy
Michele You can go back to talking of a situation of normalcy in life when the only institutional presence Berlusconi and his fans will have become irrelevant in politics. Have been exceeded all conceivable limits of indecency in a situation that demands respect and dignity for the democratic rules and principles and the rule of law institutions bulwarks.
For the good of Italy if Berlusconi must go as soon as possible, because:
is the worst head of government of national unity 150 years of history, he entered politics only to protect the interests of family business and solve their legal problems . Again
Berlusconi has not brought anything, his plan was to follow the political path of his master Licio Gelli, head of P2 which he was affiliated with Berlusconi card number 1816 and, by his many ideas of the plan of Democratic Revival, be careful as to the founding principles of the Constitution: the autonomy and independence of the judiciary, freedom of expression and press, the equality of all citizens before the law.
Berlusconi has thus found favor: the Cosa Nostra, of what remains of the old P2, the IOR and the Vatican, has raised the political legacy left by the fugitive Craxi and the support of the anti-, right-wing extremists, the real liberal Berlusconi was a liberal thought.
with Berlusconi there is no limit for the worst because:
is careful to the founding principles the rule of law and constitution making laws for its own use and consumption;
is the most significant and obvious expression of a degraded and degrading cultural model that has condemned the country to an unacceptable cultural decline: This sub-culture model shows that negative educational impact agrees to make smart, which has more the appearance that being, that merit counts less and less, which is useless to be honest and transparent sooner or later get amnesty and pardons different;
this government does almost exclusively to the laws for the most powerful, rich and corrupt, laws to deal with Berlusconi's business interests, to solve the legal problems of Berlusconi, without concern for workers temporary workers, the unemployed, the poorest households;
is taking place a kind of fascist repression to silence any voice critical of the actions of this government that, regardless of the serious social problems reported by these items, fueling tensions and social conflict;
this government is making racist and xenophobic policies being adopted standards defined by racial Famiglia Cristiana.
The communication strategy is critical to a journalist as Silvio Berlusconi, especially in trying to review the recent history, forgetting to put his career on the consternation of many shadows and stains as:
amnesty for perjury on 'enrollment to P2; the many criminal cases against him that led him to collect 2 and 3 requirements amnesties; the many ad personam laws to protect their family's business interests, the many legislative measures to prevent justice to take its rightful course .
There are also in this legislature for legislative action in favor of its companies, such as: the norms of the Decree on Romans Mediaset television advertising slots that benefit at the expense of Sky, rising to 20% of the roof for the purchase of own shares by listed companies, once implemented by the board of Mediaset, the increase from 10 to 20% of VAT on pay TV, Sky Italy, "the main Private rival Mediaset group, the shift of advertising from Rai Mediaset by companies and institutions controlled by government ministries, post offices, Eni, Enel, and so on.
The communication strategy of Berlusconi is artfully designed to go from victim to perpetrator of the alleged plot to democracy, a victim of slander, even if you have not provided convincing evidence to refute the charges against him, a victim of a system for him malfunctions and is therefore necessary to change, but to your liking . It therefore seeks to convince unsuspecting people that there is need to implement reforms, reforms that are not really in the collective interest and better functioning of institutions, but his personal interests are, in fact, hides behind the term reforms
a design coup, whose subversive goals:
subjugate the judiciary from the executive to prevent judges eager to continue to take care of him and the lords of the underworld Casta, through a careful design piduista that autonomy and independence of the judiciary;
prevent citizens' knowledge of investigative measures, such as the clique of friends of the Civil Defence, to meet with Berlusconi and uncomfortable truths his chums;
circumvent or remove any rule, the controlling body and / or democratic institution that is impeding to achieve its own interests, so you need
muzzle the press, independent journalists, reduce the parliament to ratify the executive body .
Berlusconi is not the victim of any conspiracy , there are no "red robes" who persecute Berlusconi Berlusconi because if he had really found the "red robes" in Milan, the requirement for the granting of extenuating circumstances (Lodo Mondadori) and acquittals for lack of evidence (case Medusa, SME trial) could be final convictions for Mr. Berlusconi.
processes are made on the basis of tests and when the evidence was sufficient to reach a final sentence for Berlusconi (Amnesty and prescribed 2 times 3 times) there have been several legislative initiatives by his government in order to: postpone processes through such failure, reasonable suspicion, and praise Schifani Alfano then declared unconstitutional; stop gathering evidence with the law on requests; decriminalize offenses such as false accounting, reducing the time to get the prescription.
addition, it is proved by the final ruling of the Supreme Court, that Mills was bribed to give false testimony in two trials in which Silvio Berlusconi was accused (the corruption trial to the Guardia di Finanza and the process of funding the All blacks Iberian) in order to "keep out of a great of trouble "Silvio Berlusconi.
E 'Put out that the judge was bribed by Mr Berlusconi's legal to rip the Mondadori De Benedetti.
E 'established by the All Iberian trial 1, the illegal funding of 22 billion lire to the PSI, hidden money from funds of Fininvest to end up in Swiss bank accounts of Craxi's PSI.
E 'found that some financiers have been corrupted to close both their eyes on the deficiencies in tax audits on the premises of the Berlusconi family, Massimo Maria Berruti and Salvatore Sciascia, who worked for Fininvest group, and before that had official Guardia di Finanza, have been sentenced in a final this process on bribes to the Guardia di Finanza and then made a political career by entering parliament with the party of Berlusconi.
It is clear that there is a political use of justice, but there are those who make policy to prevent justice to take its course legitimate and proper, denigrating and undermining the judiciary through a subversive plan to assassinate the autonomy and independence of judiciary.