I know I know you see it was actually my first experiment did not come ... beautiful ... but ... every Snout is nice to his mom!
was I do not know how long I wanted the company groped but every time I watched with horror the instructions on tempering chocolate.
The alternative was to watch the movie A-team ... so I said to myself ... but let's try it!
Ingredients: 100 grams of dark chocolate
extra 80 grams of white chocolate
5 tablespoons of rice cereal
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, until it reaches 42 degrees temperately. At this point remove from heat and put in another water bath of water and ice. Stir until the temperature has dropped to 25 degrees.
Put in a double boiler on the stove and bring the temperature to 31 degrees.
Pour the chocolate into the mold with chocolate, beat well and turn on a wire rack to bring the chocolate in accesso.
Ricapovolegere e passare una spatola sullo stampo per togliere il cioccolato in accesso.
Far rapprendere. Ci vorranno 10/15 minuti.
Nel frattempo sciogliere il cioccolato bianco a bagnomaria o mo e mescolarlo col riso soffiato.
Riempire i cioccolatini con mezzo cucchiaino di cioccolato bianco e riso soffiato.
Far riposare altri 10 minuti e ricoprire col cioccolato fondente avanzato.
Aspettare ancora 15/20 minuti e sformare i cioccolatini.
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