L'ATTACCO di PANICO è definibile come un episodio ACUTO di ANSIA ad insorgenza improvvisa e di breve durata che tende a ripetersi nel TEMPO.
Gli ELEMENTI COSTITUTIVI di un attacco di panico sono riconducibili all’improvvisa comparsa dei SINTOMI PSICHICI e NEUROVEGETATIVI (APPRESSIONE, PAURA, TERRORE, SENSO di MORTE imminente, TIMORE di perdita of control over their ideas or actions, difficulty breathing, palpitations, chest pain, choking, dizziness, hot flashes and chills ... the brevity of CRISIS all'inspiegabilità of its onset, anxiety Anticipator ( FEAR
that the crisis will happen again) and avoidance of those places associated with the onset of the crisis.
The people's responses are based on a good 65% of the correct definition of
panic attack as "an acute episode of anxiety, sudden, brief and recurrent."
10% believes that it consists of "a lack of courage," then
underestimating the fact that the onset of a panic attack does not is manageable because it acts as a reaction to "all or nothing" that escapes all control of type RATIONAL.
Again, as before for depression and anxiety, there is an erroneous tendency to think that through a proactive and COURAGEOUS EFFORT, the disorder can be overcome.
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