The application of a questionnaire, which asked to describe how they were dealt with cases of depression, anxiety and panic attacks from family, friends or acquaintances of those who completed the questionnaire.
The answers to the question indicates, therefore, the behavior implemented in situations where you had to manage
above afflictions. The sample reports that, facing one of the therapy of mental disorders considered, patients were directed mainly to the doctor (23%), followed, in order, turned to the neurologist (19%), the psychologist (16%) to combination therapy and psychological DRUG (14%) in a hospital or nursing home (6%) to other forms of therapy unspecified (11%).
In about 1 / 4 of cases the GP then the figure that the patient asks for help in the first
We believe that this is due to the relationship of trust between doctor and patient.
The form of action is obviously dependent on the preparation and the knowledge that the doctor has
part of depressive disorders, anxious, and DAP.
Unfortunately it happens sometimes, though rarely, the doctor himself is prey to the most common misconceptions that surround these disorders in the collective, and then his response to the request for aid to be generated or inappropriate, such as "we just put a bit 'of good will, "or "Rolled up his sleeves" to do so or give ...
In most cases patients are luckier: they have an underlying medical
informed and able to set in the first instance a proper pharmacological intervention, along with practical advice and, secondly, to provide directions to turn to specialist in these disorders.
Considering the figure of neurology, psychology and psychiatry (whose qualifications and responsibilities are set out below), we see the neurologist who ranks first in the preferences of the consultations (19%), the second psychologist (16%) while
Last but not least is the psychiatrist (11%).
to comment on these data, after stressed the fact that, in fact, is the psychiatrist
Specialist which is responsible for the care of disorders that we are dealing with.
Until not long ago, the term commonly used to describe disorders
depression, anxiety or DAP was "nervous breakdown".
In the collective "nervous breakdown" evoked the image of a "EXHAUSTION OF NERVES", which ended up being considered the essence of these disorders and is consequential to this the fact that the neurologist had considered (and still is now ) which is responsible for the specialist treatment of these disorders.
The practical result is to force the neurologist to play most of its business' work by the psychiatrist and instead devote little space to the care of those organic disorders (neuropathy, Epilepsy, Headache, etc. ...) that the
NEUROLOGY specialization courses has prepared me to heal.
The second choice of preference, after the neurologist, and 16% of cases the psychologist.
We believe that this is due to the fact that, thanks to increased intelligence
and knowledge continues to spread awareness that depressive disorders, anxiety or DAP are not merely the result of biochemical changes but that their origin BRAIN can be determined by the presence of psychological problems intrapersonal and / or
La cura allora consiste in una presa di coscienza di tali problematiche e nella correzione di aspettative e/o atteggiamenti nei confronti di se stessi e degli altri: lo psicologo è un valido aiuto per potere raggiungere tali scopi.
Buon ultimo è lo psichiatra, consultato solo nell’11% dei casi.
Questa figura professionale è ancora oggi gravata da una serie di elementi pregiudiziali che la
rendono inquietante.
Nell’immaginario collettivo è il MEDICO DEI MATTI, per cui rivolgersi allo psichiatra equivale
a rientrare nel numero di “matti”.
Lo psichiatra evoca l’immagine terrifica della follia ed è anche quello che dà gli PSICOFARMACI, those products, that "stunned, they lose self-control" (another injury). With all this load
ruling, it is not surprising that the psychiatrist
struggling to win the role of a practitioner of emotional disorders, one which should be sought in the first instance when these symptoms begin to appear.
A 'final point on that of 11% generally characterized as "other types of
These groups of patients who, totally devoid of adequate information and knowledge, are prey to a mysterious magical vision of emotional disorders and that, precisely for this reason, end up in contact areas magic (card readers, magicians etc ...) for their care, most often with tragic results.
For clarity, are indicated below the skills of various professions
of the "psi".
Neurology: Medical specialist in neurology is the study and treatment of nervous system
, (in its anatomical, physiological and pathological), with the exception of neurotic and psychotic disorders
. Using drugs.
PSYCHIATRIST: Medical specialist in psychiatry deals with the study, prevention and treatment of mental disorders
. Using drugs.
PSYCHOLOGIST: PhD in psychology admitted to practice. It deals
the theoretical aspects and applications of psychology in several fields (developmental psychology, clinical work, experimental). In clinical
deals with diagnosis and prevention of discomfort.
not use drugs.
psychotherapy: Physician or psychologist specializing in psychotherapy, which is a form of treatment of mental disorders
based on certain principles and techniques (different depending on theoretical orientation
aims at improving awareness of self by the patient and passed through the noise awareness of the psychological mechanisms that determine them.
not use drugs.
psychoanalyst: Physician or psychologist who, after years of special training,
uses psychoanalysis.
It is a psychological and psychotherapeutic technique based on the report with regard to knowledge of the patient's inner world and unconscious psychological mechanisms that determine its behavior. Do not use drugs.
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