Come fare degno riferimento alle nuove donne di potere? ML Rodotà in the Courier in Courier at 5:11 PM 56 takes the opportunity of the election of a secretary of Susanna Camusso CGL to dust off a series of linguistic prejudices against women in the steady decline of its linguistic structure of Italian words for historical reasons traditionally male.
mayor, judge, lawyer or chancellor are new terms, having previously had few or no women in these functions. As each new word the first few times it sounds strange, almost unpleasant but you can be certain and confident that more will be used, especially by the media, become more common and the reaction does not raise, as any reaction related words more or less recently entered the lexicon nun, pastor, nurse, retired. Other words are the same for women and men but have a kind: the president, giustice, an artist, even for this category, the strangeness does not lie in the Italian system because similar words are an integral part of language: the singer, the accomplice The intern, easy to find the feminine article for the English words used in the Italian premier, the leader.
The female-it was almost always used derisively in the sense: the president, deputatessa, traffic warden, segretaressa, but it is important Note that for doctor and teacher, just use did lose the sense of denigration.
Who says that women's words are grammatically incorrect does not know the Italian grammar. What is really wrong is to use the article or the adjective masculine name for a female and vice versa (eg the mayor, the president Maria Bianchi, a good minister).
ML Rodotà is right when he says that some words female as a secretary, teacher, seamstress has a meaning "dignity" than their male subordinate. But the solution can not and must not indicate the function of controlling and prestige with the masculine term because this would not confirms that this is a function of male randomly covered by a woman. The result would be that the Italian language would be a category of function names to the high male and female rates of corresponding functions. Since language is a code that permeates our unconscious perception of reality from the first days of life, we can imagine the devastating power of this new type of training in the construction of Italian women already undermined by all sorts of non-verbal language.
Camusso hope that Susanna has the courage to define the first secretary of the CGL of respect for the Italian language and like any living language evolves to define new roles in old people and that the journalists should ask about how to make women more visible in the community.
Giuliana Giusti (representative of the fb: general language and language policies)
Luciana Tufan (fb promoter of the cause: Spreading the language of gender)
Rabissi Adriana Perrotta (fb promoter of the result of chance: Stop the use of sexist and racist language) Raffaella
Costs (fb representative of the group: A mayor for each town)